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The last time I saw Wind was in our backyard. He was strumming his guitar and singing an unfamiliar tune while he was closing his eyes.

As for me, I was just on my balcony, quietly staring at him. But today, there was actually no Wind Harrington. No more of his petty tricks.

I should be happy that he's out of my life. I should be happy that he's been erased and that he chose to stay away.

But why is it that I feel like something is missing? Is it because I've grown attached to Wind? I was outside the café sipping my hot chocolate in the morning.

Not far from where I was occupying, I saw a silhouette of a tall man. He was coming closer to my place.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I don't understand why my heart was beating wildly.

Then Dean appeared, "You look disappointed." He chuckled, I looked at him, "Were you expecting Wind?" he asked so suddenly which made me look at him, "What are you trying to imply?"

"You haven't seen Wind since this morning right?" I just nodded at his question and turned my attention back to the laptop in front of me.

"You miss him don't you?" I felt my cheeks burn up. By that time I knew I was Scarlet red. "Are you kidding me? Why would I miss that guy?" I laughed, awkwardly. "You're trying so hard to get back at him because of what he did to you that you forgot your feelings about him." He said while scanning his phone.

He's probably waiting for a phone call or a text message. "Huh?" that was probably the most intelligent reply he got out from me. "Just forget about what I said. You should probably reconcile the both of you."

I just stared at him, "Both of you are dense." He laughed.

"I'm not dense." I said as I closed the laptop. "He's just the dense person." We both laughed, "But literally speaking, he's a sweet guy... I don't think he's going to seek revenge on you."
"We don't know." I shrugged.

After that we said our goodbyes and went on to separate ways. Bringing the bag with my laptop, and earphones in my ears playing that specific song. I walked on the streets.

Went home and did my usual thing.

A week has passed and I still haven't seen Wind Harrington. It was a very quiet week. I had sometimes thought that he went back to England because he didn't want to see me ever again.

I went over to the beach, since today there wasn't many people here. I could relax. I brought Zoe and Clark with me. Fall and Rain didn't want to come because they had some Summer homework to do together.

I was in my bathing suit... Blue that is to be exact. Two piece. Zoe was in a Red two piece bathing suit and Clark was just using his old swimming trunks.

I was cutting some watermelons for the three of us when suddenly someone screamed. I stood up startled. Zoe and Clark were in the place where the girl screamed. "Why what happened?" I asked...

"The guy drowned over there!!" Zoe pointed to the helpless guy. What the crap?! Nobody's going to help him?! "Watch the melon!" Then I sprinted to the water, I dived and headed toward the guy who was drowning.

Just in time I held his hand before he really drowned. His touch was familiar. I dragged him to shore and then I put my hand on his forehead and tapped his collarbone, "Hey! Are you okay?" I asked him, but I got no response.

I tilted his head and put my ears near his face while staring at his chest for a sign of breathing. But there was nothing.

I pinched his nose and covered his mouth with mine. I did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. After a few attempts, I finally saw his chest rise and fall.

I cleared my eye sight and he released a cunning smile. Before I could process who the victim was he spoke, "Thanks for saving me." And that's when it hit me.


I turned to Zoe and Clark, clearly they were shocked, but Zoe has this 'I'm so happy' kind of face while I was still stunned.

I immediately stood up and walked away. I can't believe it!

I was still in awe because of what happened. How the hell did he fake the whole thing? Was everyone dazzled by his charms? He disappeared for a whole week and here he was yet again.
I thought he had stopped. I thought he got tired. I sat on the blanket we laid on the sand and ate the watermelon I cut. "I should've left him drown." I said to myself and took a bite of my watermelon.

"How cruel of you Summer." I looked up to see who it was. Great it's Mr. Actor. "You really hate me that much?" he said in a calm tone. He sounded sad somehow. "Nah." I simply replied to him, "Okay then. I got it." He smiled weakly and walked away.

I just looked at him while he was walking away. I felt guilty and sad somehow. "You looked really heroic a while ago Summer. You really went there to save Wind huh?"

I just looked at them poker faced, "I would never save him If only I knew it was Wind Harrington. I would've left him drown." I took a bite of the watermelon.

"I don't get why your so cruel to Wind. I mean he's been really good to you." Zoe told me but I just didn't want to listen. "Well, just stick to Dean." She didn't look at me when she said those words.

After that really long day in the beach, I went home. I was tired. Then suddenly, I remembered what happened in the beach. My cheeks burned...

I can't believe I touched Wind's lips. What the hell?! I wouldn't normally consider it a kiss, but a kiss is still a kiss.

"Did you enjoy your kiss with Wind at the beach?" Fall smiled crazily which made me jump out of my bed and look at him. "It wasn't a kiss you brat!" I snapped. "When lips touch it's a kiss! A kiss is a kiss. And by the way I'm fifteen." He sprinted downstairs and bursted out laughing.

He wasn't there, how the crap did he know?! I took a deep breath and looked out the window. There I saw Wind, looking at something on the mango tree. Maybe it's the thing we carved when we were in high school?

Then he received a call. I wonder who that is? Wait, why am I getting curious all of a sudden?! I'm not his girlfriend or something.

I closed my curtains and then I went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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