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I was sitting on the front porch staring at the trees' leaves swaying because of the wind. Blue summer skies, the fresh summer breeze, the sound of the lawn mower that mom was trying to use. It's summer yeah. "Summer dear! Come and help me!" my thoughts were cut off because of mom's voice. "Mom! Just let Fall do that job! Come on let's get in now." I said as I motioned mom to get in the house but she just smiled, "I have to do this Summer." My mom is known for her persistent attitude and her big mouth. "Come on mom! Even Ice thinks you should come inside." I insisted, my mom sighed in defeat, "Okay, alright. I'll come in, but you convince Fall to do this lawn mowing." She said as she went inside the house.

It's a good day in Pinocchio Island. I think I want to stroll around town for a while. It's not that hot because the island is covered in really beautiful trees. I was starting to daydream again when I was startled by my mom's shriek. I hurriedly went inside the house and saw mom on the phone, even Fall and Ice were startled by her shriek. After the phone call she looked at us teary eyed. I wonder what happened? "Dana is coming back to Dolphin Island after two weeks with Wind and Rain. She told me that Wind is so exited to see you."

It's been 3 years since I last heard that name. I can't believe that he's coming back here to Dolphin Island for the summer. My huge problem is—how do avoid him. I can hide in the house of my grandma, but I'd just be bored there the whole summer... I mean this is a small island... The chances of me bumping into him is like... 99.99% I guess...

"Summer! Isn't this great?" Great? Of course I'd bump into him... given that we are only steps away. Were neighbors for Pete's sake. "Oh, yeah." I said halfheartedly. I tried to sound as interested as possible but I guess it was no use... "Anyways mom, I'm going to Zoe's house today." She just nodded... confused.

"Ugh! Zoe... I really want to disappear!" I said while I went inside Zoe's room and she just sat on her bed then looked at me confused. "Wind's coming back right? What are you going to do then? I mean you've hated the guy for 3 years." Wow, gossip in this island comes out fast. Makes sense since Wind is quite popular in this town. He's really loved. "I don't know—avoid him maybe?" she just laughed, "There's no way you could avoid Wind in this town. I mean this town is pretty small. Just face the guy already Summer."

If that's the last option on my list I would do that. But really I can't. "Be like me~ I'm really exited of his return!" Yep, she and he are close. "Baby, don't forget I'm here." Clark said as he entered her room bringing a bag of Cheetos. She just looked at Clark and fired a kiss. "Yuck." I said while doing the 'I'm-going-to-barf' action. "Get a boyfriend Summer. Hook up with Wind, I know you still love him." Clark said which made me look at him with disgust, "Are you serious Clark?!" he just shrugged, I guess he was. "I'm with Clark in this one Summer. You've liked the guy since you saw him... And up until now I know that you did not move on." I just laughed—fakely.

"So anyways what's your plan Sun?" Zoe asked me while slipping her hands in the bag of Cheetos which Clark brought for us.

"I don't actually have a plan yet." I said fidgeting. They just stared at me blankly.

"He's coming back next week right? And his mom told your mom that he's exited to see you?" Wow Clark knows everything.

I just nodded in response to his question, "I don't know... I guy does not deserve to be ignored Summer. I mean he's really nice and I really think he's sincere."

I shrugged, "I don't know." I said as I looked out of Zoe's window. Outside I saw a black van—kind of like Wind's van... Wait... That is Wind's van! "I thought he'll be back next week. Why's he here now?" I murmured, "He's back?!" Zoe jumped in delight while I was shivering in fear. I really don't want to bump into this guy.

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