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I was up all night thinking about how to mess with his plans. So when the morning light crept into my dark room, I could still hear the ticking of my beside clock which kept me wide awake.
After failing to get some sleep, I dragged myself out of bed and into the kitchen. As I was eating my breakfast like a mindless zombie, I remembered Dean and my favor he still didn't receive. But I think he isn't here in Pinocchio Island this summer. I guess he's in England? Since Dean was out of the island, I disregarded that idea.

"You look horrible." I saw Fall in front of me looking ready as possible, "Huh? Why?" I really didn't care about how I looked the past few days. Why would I doll myself up anyways when there is no one to complement my dolling up. "Didn't you get some sleep? I mean look at you, you have dark circles at the bottom of your eyes, messy hair and you look really pale." He said as he sat in front of me and scanned my face, "Yep, you're horrible."

I just rolled my eyes, "Since when did you care Fall?" I asked but then Fall just smirked, Is he trying to imitate Wind or something? "Nah, I just don't like having a sister that doesn't look pretty. Fix yourself up Summer. You're like a monster."

"OH MY GOD! Did you just get raped Summer?!" I heard Zoe's voice from the door and looked at her direction, both hands were on her mouth. She was shocked alright. " What the heck happened to you?! Oversized shirt, messy hair, dark circles under your eyes... Didn't you get enough sleep?" I shook my head and continued eating in a zombie way.

"OH CRAP!" another voice reached my ear, and when I looked to see whose it from, I saw Clark, he was damn shocked too. "Am I that terrible?' Fall nodded like crazy, "Who the hell are you?! Where is our Summer?" Clark asked me while looking at what I was wearing.

"I don't know... fashion?" I halfheartedly replied to Clark, "What did you do last night? Did you have a nice long talk with your prince charming?" Zoe asked as she found her way to mom's favorite chocolate dispenser.

"I was up all night doing nothing... just stare at my ceiling for hours." I said to them, my eyes getting droopy all of a sudden. "Until the morning light crept in your room?" Zoe said as she took a sip from the coffee she had just gotten from our coffee mixer. I just nodded in response.
"You better get some sleep then. You look too haggard. Didn't you know that the Williams are coming back for the summer?" My eyes lightened up, Dean's coming back?! Now I can finally do what I really wanted to do, "You look happy. So happy in fact." Clark said while sitting beside his girl, I saw Fall's expression, he was disturbed... and disgusted. "Zoe and Clark, you should break up." He said in a playful voice.

Zoe just threw him a coaster, "Shut up Fall!" she crossed her arms, "In fact you are much more happier today than the day you heard that Wind was coming back." I just smiled sweetly, "When are they coming back?" I asked, delighted. Zoe just raised her eyebrow at me, "And why does that concern you? You sound like Dean's Girlfriend." I just laughed, "Just tell me already!"

"Jeez! This girl is really excited. He's going to arrive at 9 in the morning." I checked the time and it was still 8:11. Wow time flies so fast. With that I sprinted back to my room and I heard Zoe shout, "Where you going?!"

"I'm going to fix myself up!!" I said while going to the bathroom. After dolling myself up, I went down... Well, just on my usual outfit, Black Skinny Jeans, white blouse that had designs of white roses, white doll shoes, I put a handkerchief on my hair forming a headband like position which made the whole outfit look cute, and of course for the finishing touch, I used a little bit of Lip Gloss.

I don't usually do this, but If I want my enemy to stay away from me, I' need to foil his plans, and I need a partner in order to do so. "I've never seen you doll yourself up... Wow this is a change."Zoe's eyes sparkled, then she patted my shoulder, "I'm proud of you."

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