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I was once one of Wind Harrington's fangirls. I wasn't that obsessed but I DID scream 'Wind Harrington! I love you!' I had all his albums. ALL of Small Delusion's albums and posters... You could call that obsessed, but I called it collecting. The fact that my next door neighbor was a complete heartthrob of town and school. Who was I again? I was just that average girl, his next door neighbor who doesn't exist in his world. The girl who was watching him dreamy eyed hoping that one day she'd end up with him.

He was the best example of a perfect guy—His broad shoulders, perfectly shaped face, he's tall. His eyes were Aqua blue, his hair was dark black and messy which really suited him and complemented the color of his eyes. He was, in short, the most beautiful human being I've seen so far in Pinocchio Island. I had a crush on him—no scratch that, I admit, I fell in love with him. Our parents have been good friends and have been friendly with each other.

Well US—we don't nearly talk to each other. He just hangs out with his younger sister Rain Harrington. Me, on the other hand... I just hang out with my brother Fall Davis and my dog Ice. Whenever our eyes meet, I'd always be the first one to look away. It's really awkward to have eye-to-eye contact with your ultimate crush. I think I just might die on the spot.

Our parents really like us for each other, and I also do! Because you know, I have a crush on him and all that. But the consequences were huge and scary.

1. Fangirls will try to kill you and make your life miserable as possible.

2. Everyone will think that I'd given some kind of potion to their heartthrob. (Even though we were really forced)

3. They start to make up stories and then spread it which will really affect your reputation. You know like, framing you in front of the school, humiliating you like those things they do on most stories... 

But of course, liking Wind Harrington was in the past. Way back in the past. I was a naïve fifteen year old girl. My feelings went to a stop when that all happened. I started to hate him. I started to despise him. Feeding my head with negative information about him (when there was really nothing negative about his personality). I succeeded.

I Hate Wind Harrington

That's about it. End of the story.

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