Chapter Twenty-Eight: Epilogue

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We're in the third and final installment in the Renovations trilogy. I'm happy for those of you who stuck with me throughout all of this. This was a challenge to write, but it helped me grow as an author. I hope you see that, too. Now, the story will update on Wednesdays and Sundays, with teasers on Mondays and Fridays. It's pre-written and complete. Thank you to Christina Downs for her help with this – guiding me with suggestions for the story, editing and just being a sounding board for this journey – you rock, girlie! MWAH!

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Epilogue

Seven Months Later ...

"Why am I out with you buying Kate's wedding ring? I though you two weren't getting married until next summer," Bella grumbled, waddling in the jewelry store. She was massaging her back. It had been hurting since she woke up this morning. "Garrett, talk to me."

"Shit," Garrett grumbled, turning to look at his best friend's heavily pregnant wife. "Pretty girl, you should probably sit down."

"If I sit down, I won't be able to get up. Spill it, mister," Bella griped, glaring at Garrett.

"So, Kate got sick about two months ago. She had to go on antibiotics. And well, um, antibiotics made her birth control not work," Garrett said, his ears turning a bright red. "She's six weeks pregnant. We're getting married in Lake Tahoe on New Year's Eve. I wanted to fly to Vegas, but Kate still wanted a ceremony and her family there. She hasn't told them about the baby since her dad would probably castrate me with a rusty spork, but she'll be small enough to hide her baby bump. You know? Kind of like you and Edward."

"You could tell I was pregnant, you moron," Bella snorted.

"Now, you can," Garrett snickered, putting his hand on her very swollen belly. "At your wedding, it was barely noticeable." She harrumphed. "Seriously, pretty girl. I need your help. You know what I got Kate for her engagement ring. I have to find a perfect wedding band! She's freaking out that everything has to be perfect since it's coming together so quickly!"

"Come on, you dork," Bella said, moving toward the diamond bands. "And congratulations on becoming a dad."

"It's scaring the shit out of me," Garrett gulped. "I never thought I'd be someone's dad. You know? Now, here I am, getting married and going to be a father. Fuck."

"That's what got you into trouble in the first place," Bella deadpanned, smiling at the sales woman. "He needs to see wedding bands for his fiancée. White gold or platinum, please?" Bella gripped the glass display, whimpering quietly. "Do you have a chair or a stool I can sit on? My back is killing me."

"Of course," said the sales woman. "How far along are you?"

"I'm about ready to pop," Bella grumbled. "My actual due date is next week, but I think I'm going to go sooner. I was happily enjoying spending time on my couch when this one needed to get a wedding ring for his fiancée." She grimaced as another twinge spread throughout her back. "Let's get this done so I can go back to my couch and sit on my heating pad."

"You heard the lady," Garrett snickered, helping Bella onto the proffered stool. It didn't take long after Garrett described the engagement ring. After a half hour, the ring was ordered but Bella's back pain was getting worse. She couldn't get up from her seat. "Bella, do you want me to call Edward?"

"I don't know," she whimpered, shifting uncomfortably on the stool.

"You could be experiencing back labor. With my second baby, I had the worst backache," the sales woman explained. Bella moaned when another wave of pain settled over her back. "I'm going to call an ambulance. You look like you're in a great deal of pain."

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