Character Answers

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AN: Here are the answers!!



Did you have a crush on Owen?
.... Next question.

You promised to answer every question.

No, I was forced into answering every question.


Ughhhh, fine.  Owen's hot, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, she has some hunks, if you catch what I'm throwing at you.

It's just she's too shy for me, I like a girl who can live a little. Plus she has a boyfriend, so...

How come you didn't remember Owen before?

I mean I saw her around school a few times, but I never really got to know her until she randomly burst through my room a few days ago. It was all blurry, everything from that night is a little blurry. I was high of my *beep*, so nothing really stuck.

What? What's that? I can *bleep* cuss if I *bleep* want.

Geez Owen.

Sorry, she's great, but she can be annoying at times.


Were you and Annabella best friends before?

*Sigh* She was my first friend when I got here, and then boys began to take notice of me. Then I began to have a crush on Harry, and since she liked him too, she got mad. Long story short, she posted an old pic of me.

Luckily, the pic was from when I first met Justin, so he defended me. Then Justin moved here, and things got better. That's how we got close and began dating.
Me and Justin! Not me and Annabella.

Next question please?

How come you didn't remember Harry before?

I did, I just didn't want to acknowledge it. Harry and I were basically strangers until a few days ago, and now things are a little more awkward since we spent all afternoon talking.

Annabella: You did what?!

Kill me now, or even better, can Annabella be kicked out? Like can someone fire her?

Were you and Annabella friends before, and then had a fight? What was the fight about?

As I answered earlier, she posted an old pic of me on Instagram, and stuff just happened. I got really bullied for it, and then stuff turned bad with Justin.

It was just a mess, but I can't say much or it'll ruin the story.



Ugh, of course Owen told you about the supposed "fight" between us. She can be so annoying, I mean it's just, I don't even get why I was friends with her you know? Like she is just a low-grade, glo-less, --

Harry: Hey big lips? We don't have all day.

Whatever, let's just start with the questions.

Why are you so annoying?

Alright who wrote this? Why does everyone have to be so mediocre?

Owen: Calm down sweetie, you just used up all your vocabulary in only 2 sentences.

Harry and Justin: Dang Mami!

Justin: Bro chill, that's my girl.

Harry: Well maybe if you weren't so annoying, you'd be able to grow a pair and threat her--





How did you and Owen meet?

We met when she moved across from me in Texas 8 years ago.

Just a few months ago, I moved here, since my parents and hers became business partners.


Why did your parents just abandon you?

They didn't abandon Owen and I. We used to move around a lot because of all the children's hospitals thag our parents would build around the country. Our father is originally from London, so he decided to build a hospital here, as if there aren't enough already.

Anyways, since Owen, and I are 16, and about to be 17, he gave us the choice of either traveling with him and mother, or stay here and go to school. Since Owen and I are nerds, we chose the second option.

Sorry for the rant, it's just, we've seen our parents twice since we moved here last year.

•Why are you so hot?

Because when God decided to make me Owen's younger twin brother, he figured he had tortured me enough and gave me the good looks.

Ow! O!

Owen: That's what you get, rat.

This is what I mean, she always throws a rubber band at me.


Are you and Niall a thing?

Not yet, but we have been "hanging out".

*smirk, smirk*

*wink, wink*

Owen: Stop.


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