Entry #3

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AN: @JonasKryptonite Thank You for the cover! x

Owen huffed loudly as she entered the apartment, causing the hair on my face to flop around. After closing the door, she put away her shoes in the closet along with her jacket.

"Toni macaroni!" She yelled. He hated that nickname which only caused her to use it even more.

"Toni!" She yelled again but still no answer.

She decided to go look for him in his room, but it turns out it was a big mistake.

As she moved closer to the door o his room, she could hear strange noises could hear.

Omg Toni!

She barged opened the room of his door, only to find him lying on his bed "Toni-ing" himself.

"WHAT THE HELL OW?!" Toni yelled at her. He grabbed a pillow, trying to cove up his man business.

(He had yelled so loudly it was necessary to use all caps.)

Owen stood there in shock, but after a few seconds she broke into a fit of laughter.

"Oh my gosh! So much for being the "big brother" huh?" She fell to the floor, rolling around as she wheezed her laughter out.

"Okay shut up Flat Stanley." It was Toni's turn to laugh now.

Owen got off the floor, her expression no longer humorous, "Ha ha, very funny! For your information that was 2 years ago, I've matured since then." She crossed her arms, trying to defend her point.

Toni's laughs slowed down as he turned to her, "Yeah, you were 15."

That was it for Owen. She grabbed one of the shoes next to his door and threw it at him.

"Hey!" Toni retorted, but Owen just slammed the door as she walked out.

"Ew." She walked to the kitchen, pulling a chair from the counter to sit.

She pulled her phone out of her purse, quickly turning it on to see that she had a message from Taylor.

She smiled as she looked down at the screen, opening the messages up to reply.

Mary: Heyyyy


She set her purse down on the counter as she got up to go to the fridge.

She mumbled the words to the song playing on the radio as she looked at the contents of the fridge.

Lady, running down to the riptide
Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat 'cause
You're gonna the words wrong

She settled on Greek yogurt, closing the fridge at the same time her phone rang.

She quickly walked across the kitchen to her seat.


Owen rolled her eyes before hollering back, "Yes!"

"Have you seen my shaving gel?"

She smirked, "Yeah I think it's in my shower."

"Ew, oh my gosh really?"

She laughed to herself as she heard Toni walk to her room, "You're welcome!"

She turned back to her phone jut as Mary sent her another text.

Mary: How was volunteering?
Omg check your Instagram rn!

It was good, and can you stop using that texting slogan? It's annoying, and why?

U r so old
Anna posted a picture and has been staying rude stuff about you in the comments. A lot of people r joining in.

When did she post it?

Like rn!
Stop texting me and go of something about it, I've got u covered.

Owen stopped mid-text, "Dang she alway gets me like that."

She went into the Instagram app to see her feed blowing up. There were several mentions to her name, and of course Anna was in the center of it all.

She went on the post to see that it was posted just 10 minutes ago.

She began to comment back, completely forgetting her Greek yogurt.

@annathorne Seriously? Don't you have anything better to do?
@Owen_Stok Yeah, his name is Harry, you know something abjure that considering the fact that you two spent so much time in his room together #whore

@annathorne you have so many issues, I knew Botox wasn't good for the mind

@annathorne seriously? You're so childish. Don't even think of coming back.

Owen looked at the comment.

Who was that?

She clicks on the name to see that it was Harry. Harry was defending her?


"Hey Owen, did you see what Anna posted?" Toni asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I may have made her excessive use of Botox global." She winced.

Toni laughed, "That's my sis." He give her a kiss on the cheek before walking to the fridge.

Owen shrugged, "Hey at least I have 300 more followers."

"That brings you up to 521 right?" Toni closed the fridge, a Gatorade bottle now in his hand.

"Haha very funny mister 2 million." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Hey I can't help my good looks, artistic talent, and muscles."

Owen was about to answer, but her phone rang. She piled it up to see that it was a direct message.

She clicked on it and saw that it was Harry.

Who would Harry direct message me?

Owen read the message, ignoring Toni's rant about how exercise and vegetables are good for the body.

theharrystyles: Sorry bout what Anna said. She can be a real pain in the a**.

Um, thanks? And it's okay, we both know it's not true...

theharrystyles: Yeah.

"Did something happen?" Owen thought.

"Nah."Owen decided to shrug it off and finally eat her yogurt.

But even the raspberry yogurt couldn't keep Owen from being curious.

Shades of Lightsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें