"Guys it's okay, I had some problems and I dealt with them. But, I'm back here cause I want to get back to normal. Okay? It would really suck if you guys started acting weird around me."  Emma told us.

"It's really good to have you home." Audrey told her

"I love you!" Brooke and I said at the same time,

We then done a group hug.


Emma and Kieran were talking outside, Noah was fixing to take the bottles out there which I told him not to do.

"I need your help." Jake told me, I gave him a confused look as he led me out of the room.

"What's wrong?" I asked him

"Is it to soon for me to tell Brooke how I truly feel about her?" He asked me, my eyes widen understanding what he meant.

"You love Brooke!" I exclaimed, he covered my mouth but nodded. "Just, tell her how you feel." I told him after he removed his hand.

After a little while longer I left the party and went home, not really looking forward to school.


After taking a shower really early this morning, it hit me that it made no sense how my brother and I drive separate vehicles to school. We go to the same place, he's actually friends with all my friends but he's just closer to Ethan's group of friends. I put my outfit on, curled my hair, and done my makeup.

Luke barged into my room without knocking, "Karlee, you need to give me a ride. my truck's out of gas." He told me.

I sighed, "What about your motorcycle?" I asked, he let out a frustrated huff

"Mom told me I couldn't take it because it looks cloudy out today." He responded.

I finally nodded my head, "Okay I'm ready, but I'm driving." I stated grabbing my bag and walking out of my room and going downstairs. I heard him groan and come trudging down the stairs. I laughed walking into the kitchen.

"Morning mom and dad." I greeted with a bright smile as I grabbed a piece of toast and two pieces of bacon. They smiled and greeted me back, After Luke and I got finished we headed out to my car, I jumped in the driver seat and started it as he groaned and got into the passenger seat.

this is gonna be a fun car ride.


"Hey guys!" I greeted with a smile as I joined Audrey and Noah.

"Hey Karlee." They both greeted as we continued walking towards the front of the school.

"I have something good, my affair with Jake Fitzgerald is officially over."

"What?" Noah asked, while I said; "Since when?"

"Since last night." she sighed

"You okay?" Audrey asked her.

Wait, this doesn't make any since at all. He told me that he loved her and then they break up. something has to be going on, but also speaking of Jake, where is he?

"I'd rather not discuss the feelings, I just wanted to tell you cause Jake's going to tell you anyway and it'll probably come off really bad in his version." Brooked explained, I slightly nodded I know how Jake can be.

"How's Jake?" Noah asked, as we continued walking and getting closer to the front of school. I looked over at Brooke slightly curious myself.

"Wrong question." She stated, "Anyone seen Emma?"

Photograph |~Mtv Scream/Eli Hudson~|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora