Chapter Seven-The Mummy

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Thorsre watched Grof grab a lamp.

"The Mummy's sarcpohagus is waiting for us".

"I remember the crisis of some Mummies going on a rampage in 1932. English archeologists vanished because of a curse".

"You do read your history, Mistress. No one reads books these days. Unless it's digital books. The idea of modern technology is wasted on me".

"I don't want to be strangled by them".

"Oh, this is the Tombs of Sgheloga".

"In New York".

"Oh, we're happy to have all kinds of monsters here, Mistress. Not just blood thirsty Vampires. See, over there in the jungles...where the cannibal tribes of South America, lived. Of course, you're one of them".

"I am different".

"Yes, and more".

It opened the musty, gold colored Sarcophagus, and they saw the 3,000 year old Mummy. It was wrapped in Egyptian bandages; it was wrapped all over its face; arms; and feet. Its eyes were closed; its eyes were too dark to see it.

All Thorsre could see was the sunken, hollowness of the abyss in its sockets.

"Will it awake?".

"If I summon it, Mistress".

"Can you?".

"Yes, but to do so...means that death will walk the New York graves".

"Then don't do it".

Then dark clouds hovered outside.

And thunder boomed loudly.

And, within seconds, heavy rain gushed onto the ancient graves...And then rats came out of their filthy homes inside, and begun to feed on anyone who stood in their way.


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