Chapter One-Thorsre

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The fog flowed down the broken, ancient graves.

Thorsre glided to the middle of the tombs...And stopped. She heard the sound of footsteps; she heard the thud of someone's boots hit the mud.

A Vampire boy watched her.

"What are you doing here, Thorsre?".

"Watching for others, Julius".

"I know that you're trying to see Dariman".

"He is with The Pale Ones".

"I know, but he left you".

"I had to leave; he had to leave me".


"We're separated by time".

"Time...We have centuries of time...".

"Yes, but why are you here?".

"Mother forbade me from watching".

"You can't do my job, Julius. It is not your way of working". She watched the other graves, as the fog covered the New York graves.

"Yes, but there's a lot of grumbling recently".

"What kind of grumbling?".

"Other Vampires want to take this cemetery over. They think they're part of the Realms". Julius smirked.

"The Realms are portals from the the Undead".

"Yes, when you die. Only the bite of the Vampire can kill you. And then you can live forever". Julius stated the obvious, like he always did.

"Don't forget that life is forever".

"It's good to know that you're here".

"I am Caretaker of the Cemetery of Darkness. Not many people come here. We're not welcome in London".

"And in Mist Gate?".

"I studied Vampiric Mythology and History at school. I was exploring the cemetery in 1813 when I was turned".

"Did it hurt?".

"Yes. I was 13. The graves were cold. I saw a light nearby. It was bright. I figured that, being young and naive, that nothing was going to scare me.

"The figure that attacked me in the graves, was a man.  'Do I know a girl so pale in thy darkness?'. Its sharp fangs gleamed; its red, fiery eyes seared my brain. 

"I was too scared to answer. Then he forced himself onto me. He bit my neck three times. I couldn't escape; I could only feel his power, as the blood gushed, and my flesh ripped. And I was infected. The next thing I saw, as I lay dying, was the large, black colored cape...And the lustful rage that coursed through his infected veins...And I succumbed to the Head Vampire. Its name faded into my memory; its name faded away....

"....And once I died,  it took my body into the tombs that I am now guarding...And slept for three nights. It wasn't a normal sleep; it was a sleep of  the Undead".

"And that was when you were human...And now you're a Vampire?".

"My parents arrived. They saw my 'dead' body. They screamed. And buried me. And they forgot all about me, because they didn't want a Vampire daughter".

"No, that would complicate things".

"Yes, and now, two centuries later, I still guard this infernal place. And I know that I belong here...with the monsters".

"That's a harsh pronouncement".

"That is a truth".

"Yes, well, my parents ignore me. Since my turning, they have replaced me with a new son".  Julius cried at the old memory.

"That was in 1814".

"I know".

"Besides, I am not your Mom".

"You're a Mom, Thorsre; you're my Mom". And he hugged her. 

"Hush, it's fine. I will always take care of you Julius. Once you meet a girl...And marry". Thorsre watched the dense fog cover the graves.

"Who would marry me?".

"A lot of girls".

"Dead girls?".

"Well, a human girl is going to make it...complicated".

"Human girls scream when they see me".

"Maybe they do. Now, let's feed".

And she got off the broken tombstone...And glided throughout the cemetery. Her red eyes focused on the other graves, as she held Julius's pale, dead, right hand...And protected him from the dangers that came their way.


The amber light hit Thorsre's face.

She blinked.

"Mom, why are you sad?".

"Sad; I'm not sad".

"You miss him, right".

"Darian is my past".

"Is he?".

"Yes, after my encounter with the Head Vampire, I ran away. The woods were full of branches; the woods were ripping my face. 

"The blood that came downwards were signalling to all Vampires. They swarmed all over me. And the more powerful ones, fed hungrily.

"Was I going to stop their abuse of a new Vampire? Yes. I was sick of their ravishment. I saw a old scythe that was dropped by someone. I stabbed  one of them in the chest. Blood gushed out of its mouth, and chest.

"And I then threw it into the black colored gates. And, once it became impaled, it was dead. The other Vampires fled after the attack; the blood still splattered the gate. It was a powerful thing for a new Undead. 

"A week passed.

"I didn't smash out of my grave like in those horror books. I was in a cold tomb. It was like a Mummy's sarcophagus; it was like I was in eternal darkness.

"I didn't complain. I then saw something crawl towards me. The cannibal girl stared at me. It was hungry; it was from a Vampire tribe that I thought was wiped off the Earth. But I was wrong. It fed on a human's right limb. Once the flesh was eaten away, so that there was only bone, it chomped on it with its strange teeth.

"When it was satisfied, it pointed to me. And 13 cannibals arrived. They looked like Vampires. The old breed of the Unbdead then bit my flesh off my arms...And legs. And I was infected by them. I am now different from others.

"Cannibal Vampires are so rare that the dreaded ghoul afraid of us. Now, I am wary of such horrible terrors that do evoke a stage of  disease that can be passed through sex. Like HIV/AIDS. Or other diseases that are are dormant in the bloodstream for years...Then accelerate the death rate once the infection has completed its deadly cycle.

"Intravenous drug users do it all the time. Humans can kill themselves in many ways. Such dire ways, that we all roll our eyes when we see them harming others because they want to help them. And they fight them, and know that their fight against death is over".

"Yes, but our fight is not over".

"I know that, Julius. This is a short summation of my battles".

"And mine too".

"Not yet, you need to win your battles, before you get respect".

"I'll get respect, Mom".

"Of course you will". 

And Thorsre smiled, as they explored the cemetery for intruders who threatened them.

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