Chapter 5

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---Chapter 5---

Sean and I have finally unpacked everything after being here for 10 days now.

The guys and I have gotten closer over the past week.

"Sean, where do I go?" I ask before he goes into the locker-room.

I decided to go to Sean's practice since I didn't have work.

"There's a family lounge right over there." He says.

"Okay. Bye, Sean." I say.

I walk into the lounge to see Brayden talking to a girl.

He looks over to his left and sees me.

He smiles.

I just wave and sit on the couch.

"And what are you doing here?" He asks coming over to me.

"To see my brother practice. Why else would I be here?" I ask.

"To see me!" He says, making me laughing.

"You keep telling yourself that, Bray." I say.

"Well, I got to go. Bye, Julie." He says.

I playing on my phone when three girls came over to me.

"We've never seen you here, are you new?" The one asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Oh, who's your boyfriend?" Another one asks.

"I'm not dating any player. Sean's my brother!" I say, "my name's Julie!"

"I'm Ryanne, Claude's girlfriend." Ryanne says.

"And I'm Erin, Matt's girlfriend." Erin says.

"Wait, thee Julie?" The third one asks.

"Yes?" I say, confused.

"I'm Jes, Luke's girlfriend. Brayden has told us about you!" She says.

"Oh really, now?" I say.

"Mhm! He doesn't shut up about you!" She says.

"Wait, doesn't he have a girlfriend?" I ask.

"Noo, him and Kelsey broke up this past summer!" Jes says.

"Well, that's nice to know, but it can't date any of the players." I say.

"Why not?" Erin asks.

"Sean is over protective of me." I say.

They all just say "ahhh."

"Well, it was nice chatting with you girls, but I'm gonna go watch practice from the audience seats." I say.

I give Ryanne, Erin, and Jes hugs and my number.

I sit a few rows up behind the Flyers bench.

I smile seeing Sean out on the ice. Sean wanted to play in the NHL ever since he could remember. Our parents are so proud of him.

"Alright, guys that's the end of practice." Coach says, "your split rosters are in the locker room."

I head back downstairs.

"Ready to go?" Sean asks.

"Mhm." I say, "Sean, what was coach saying about split rosters?"

"For our pre-season games. Half of us will go to Toronto and the rest will be here. It's only two games." He says.

"Which are you on?" I ask.

"The Toronto one." He says,

"So does that mean?" I ask as my eyes get bigger.

"Yes, you get the apartment to yourself for a few days. Better be good." He says giving me a death stare.

"Don't worry Sean." I say as we walk out of the Wells Fargo Center.

"Hey, Sean..." I say as we walk to his car.

"Yeah, Jule?" He asks.

"I'm really glad I came." I say.

"I am too." He says smiling, giving me a hug.


Short chapter!

Next one will be better! :)

My Overprotective Brother (a Brayden Schenn fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя