Chapter 1

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"Mom, do I have to go live with Sean?" I say as I complain to my mom about moving in with my older brother, Sean Couturier in Philly.

Oh, let me introduce myself, hi my name's Julie Couturier. You may know my brother as number 14 on the Philadelphia Flyers. Sean's moving to Philly tomorrow and our parents thought it would be good for me to go with him.

"Yes, sweety." She says.

"But mom..." I say.

"No buts, Julie. Better start packing." She says.

"Ughhhhhhhhh." I say walking up to my room to pack.

I didn't want to leave New Brunswick. I loved it here.

I packed my bag but then came up with an idea.

I opened my window and snuck out.

I ran over to my best friends, Emily's, house.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I snuck our." I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Philly with Sean." I say.

"What?! Why?!" She asks.

"She thinks it would be good for me to go." I say.

"Emily, is Julie here? Mrs Couturier is worried about her." Emily's mom says.

"Yes!" She says.

"She's coming over to pick her up!" She yells.

"Ugh, great." I say.

"Why don't you want to go anyways?" She asks.

"My family and friends are here!" I say.

"Julie, your mom is here!"

"Bye." I say.

"Bye, text me!" She says as she gives me a hug.

"Now you're definitely going with Sean!" She says as we get into the car.

"Let me guess, you're mad at me?" I ask.

"Of course I am!" She says.

When we get home, I got straight up to my room, and slam my door.

Ten minutes later I hear a knock.

"Go away." I say.

The person comes up in.

"What do you want Sean?" I ask as I sit up on my bed.

"Look, I know you don't want to leave, but it'll be good to get out of New Brunswick." He says.

"What will I be doing all day?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe get a job? Or come to practices with me!" He says.

"I'd rather got I practices with you." I say.

"Alright, just one rule, don't flirt with my other teammates." He says.

"What? Why not?" I ask.

"Because, I don't want my little sister getting hurt by one of them." He says,

"Sean, I love you, but you're over protective of me." I say.

"I know." He says kissing my head and then leaves my room.

If Sean's not gonna let me flirt with his teammates then I might as well get a job.

I google jobs in the Philadelphia area and find a job at a Starbucks.

I email them telling them I'd love to apply but won't be able to till Tuesday.

I go to bed afterwards just thinking about what will happen on our way there...

My Overprotective Brother (a Brayden Schenn fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu