Chapter 19 - The Final Showdown Part 3

Start from the beginning

Was I dead? Did the bomb blow? I rolled off my back and tried to sit up. I looked down and saw that I was covered in blood. I was mystified. I felt my body for a wound. There wasn't one. The blood wasn't mines. I looked to my side and noticed Manuel was laying face down on the ground. While I was having a meltdown, Lily took full advantage and decided to shoot me in my vulnerable state. Manuel was able to get in front of me before the bullet hit me. He saved my life. I rolled him over as he stared at me, smiling. Lily was giggling like a madwoman. That when I really got pissed off.

I was on my feet, faster than a freight train. I stormed at her with full force, planning to knock some sense into her...or out of her. She started to raise her gun again. I was t going to let that happen. I noticed the bomb was still laying on the ground between us. I scooped it up as a bullet flew over my head. I held it up, shielding my face and still charging her. She slightly lowered the gun, not wanting to blow both of us up. That small hesitation was all I needed to slam into her, knocking her to the ground. She grabbed a hold of me and we rolled across the roof. She climbed on top of me, trying to rip the vest away from my hands. We were rolling closer and closer to the edge of the building. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I started to gasp for air. She slammed my head against the hard concrete. I wiggled and bucked to get myself free. I finally stopped moving. She squeezed one more time before removing her hands. She sighed. It was over for her, but not for me. I stile a page from her book. I faked death. It gave me a small chance to attack her. I kicked her in the back of her head, which sent her entire body over the edge of the building. I grabbed ahold of her hand as she dangled twelve stories in the air.

"Hold on," I yelled, trying to save my sister.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Its too late for me, but not for you. I'm sorry. You are the best. You always was."

"Stop talking and give me your other hand," I yelled at her. She was starting to slip out of my hand.

"Don't worry about me. You need to find our father. He'll know what to do. Just find our father." She said, one last time.

I couldn't hold onto her any longer. Her fingers slipped from my grasp and I watched as she kicked in screamed all the way down. Her body crashed into the top of ambulance, sending people running and screaming in every direction. Lily was dead. My sister was officially dead.

I stood up, looking over the edge. Even Though she was miles away, I could still see her eyes. I stared at them and they stared back. It was like I killed a part of myself. I killed a part of my family. The only family that I knew. Lily claimed that our father was still alive. I wasn't sure how much of that was true, but I was going to find out for sure.

I ran back over to Manuel. He was getting worst and coughing up blood.

"Hang on, I can save you." I stuttered.

"You already did...once." He replied, gasping. "No body puts baby in a corner."

I smile, remembering when we first met. We were about 13 yrs old. He was the son of the biggest sex trafficking boss in South America. I was one of the kids, kidnapped by his father. My job was to get close and identify the ranks. Manuel was one of the targets on my list, but I couldn't do it. I fell in love with him. He was my first mistake. I helped him escape before my team came in, killing his father and destroying their whole operation. He had no home and no family. He just had me. Later on, he joined The Asesino becoming the best and youngest sniper.

As Manuel laid there taking his last breaths, I leaned down and whispered in his ear. He smiled, hearing my last words to him. I leaned down and kissed him, one last time. I know it wasn't my fault what happened to him. But I still blamed myself for his undoing. I pulled away when I heard a helicopter coming close. I looked down, staring into his opened eyes. Manuel was gone.

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