Settle The Score

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*Kellins POV*

I was laying in bed thinking, overthinking.... About.. Vic. I mean how could I not? I barely got any sleep last night. I was kind of pissed at Oli for blurting out about... Yesterday, but I think he did it on purpose? I'm not quite sure. Basically after Vic left the table and went straight to his room, Oli and I cleaned up and went to our room. He put in Saw III, which just grossed me out so I rolled over and thought. Eventually he had fallen asleep, but I laid there for a few more hours until I finally passed out.

I looked at the clock on the bedside table, 6:57am. Shit. We had to leave here by 7:30 to be on time. I glanced at Oli and he was still sound asleep, I hated to have to wake him up.... but we had to go.. "Oli wake up" I said as I shook his shoulder. "Hmm? No I don't wannnnnna get uppp" he slurred. "Oli wake the fuck up, we have to go!" I basically screamed. I couldn't be late, I can't afford to miss anymore school. Oli jumped up "Ok, ok I'm up, I'm up". I walked out of the room and went and got into the shower, I made it a quick one and opened up the bedroom door. Oliver was just sitting on the edge of the bed when I walked in, but his attention quickly went to me. "You can shower now, if you'd like" I stated, He just looked me up and down. "You look.... nice" he playfully said and added in a wink before leaving the room. I dropped the towel that was loosly hanging around my hips and went to the dresser, I decided on a pair of grey skinnies, black toms, black v-neck and beanie to go over my hair since I wouldn't have time to dry it. I quickly got dressed and went to make sure Vic was up. I mean he always had trouble getting up, it's the nice thing to do.

I knocked on his door, but there was no reply. I opened the door slowly and sure enough I was greeted by an empty room and empty bed. I heard talking through the window, so I walked over to the window and looked out. I caught a glimpse of Vic getting into a car, hmm.. who's car is that? I looked a little closer, and saw her. No other than the infamous Kelly. So now he's back to her? Now their together? I mean I know we're not together, but he's gay.... Isn't he? I'm so confused. My overwhelming thoughts were interupted by a voice. "Hey what are you doing?" Oli asked. "Oh just making sure, he was up.. Turns out he already left" I responded trying to hide my pained expression with a slight smile. He nodded and left the room, I followed him into the kitchen. "Want some toast?" he offered. I am kinda hungry now that I think of it. "Uh yeah su-" I looked at the clock, 7:25am. Shit. "No we don't have time, we have to go!" I said quickly as I grabbed Oli by the arm and pulled him with me towards the door. We grabbed our bags and headed out the door.


I had just gotten into my 1st period, and I arrived just on time. I didn't have this class with Oli or Vic for the matter.. Which was kind of good in a sense. I needed a minute to myself to think about all of this going on. I'm honestly so lost on what I should do I couldn't imagine paying attention to what the teacher was saying... At least I was here though. Do I want to try and work things out with Vic? Do I want to try and move on and be with Oli? I honestly have no idea how I feel about any of this anymore. I used to be so sure on Vic and was head over heels for him, but look what happend... He cheated on me.

I think I like Oli, but my love for Vic.... It's still there. Someone interupted my clustered thoughts as they sat down next to me. I looked up to see Justin, a friend that I talk to every once in a while. "Hey the teacher just asked us to get into partners... Wanna be partners?" he asked politely. I gave him a nod, agreeing to work with him. He gave me one of the worksheets and we began to work on them. "You see kind of... flustered. What's wrong?" Justin asked. "Nothing, I'm just tired" I lied through my teeth. Inside I was freaking out.


Walking to my 2nd period, my nerves began to eat me alive. I have this class with Vic.. Will he try and talk to me? Or will he be talking to Kelly? Yeah she has this class to, which sucks. I sat down in a open seat towards the back of class, not to many people were in the class yet so I quickly got to my seat and sat down. I kept my head down on the desk waiting for class to start and then suddenly the bell rang. I glanced around the spacious room and saw no sign of Vic or Kelly for the matter. I wonder where they are.. Oh well. I put my head back down and it was pretty quiet because no one sat next to me, no surprise. "Now what's your reasoning for being late you two?" The teacher questioned. I picked my head up only to see Kelly and Vic smiling and walking into the room. "Stuff" Vic replied with a smirk and then followed by a wink at Kelly. I shuttered at the thought.

I watched as Vic looked around the room, presumably for seats for him and Kelly, but then his eyes met mine. I saw him smirk, then I quickly put my head back down on the desk, with my headphones in. Surely avenged sevenfold would calm me down, they always do.

After a while I decided to lift my head and try to find out what the class was doing, but right after doing so I regretted it. There, right next to me sat Kelly & Vic sucking each others faces off. IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS. This hurts a lot, I could feel the tears stinging in my eyes, I raised my hand frantically. "May I use the restroom?" I spoke while also getting out of my seat to begin heading towards the door. The teacher just nodded, and I took a look at Vic. His face was a mixture of sadness and pleasure in seeing me in pain, I just don't know which one is more dominant.

Almost tripping over my shoes, while trying to get to the bathroom quickly, I finally made it. Instantly, I let the tears spill. all the fuck over. I mean... Is this really happening? I know I hurt him.. Well I think I did.. Then again it doesn't seem like it. Still, why would he do this to me? He just had to sit right next to me almost like rubbing it in my face, I think what hurt most of all was... It was in the middle of class. With plenty of people around and he didn't care, but with me no one. NO ONE could ever find out about us. He was ashamed of me.

My breathing was still shaky, but slowly calming down, I noticed the door open. I braced myself for whoever it might be, but was pleased to see it was Oli. He came running over to me and instantly engulfed me into a hug, squeezing all air out of me. "What's wrong Kellin?" He asked so sincerely. "I... I..." I took a deep breath, still trying to fight more tears off. "It's Vic. He.." I sniffled out a few tears, "sat next to me and... Was sucking face with Kelly.......the whole time." I finished really feeling the hot tears streaming down my face, he pulled away from the hug and looked me into the eyes, "Kellin. You are such an amazing person, you don't deserve this. He is so ridiculously stupid and immature for putting you through this... I wish I could do something, to take away all your pain... But I can't. What I can do is be here for you. No matter what, you can count on me. I promise Kellin. I promise." Oli spoke so smoothly, his words honestly making me melt on this inside. All I could do was smile, and pull him back into the hug. Oliver is pretty perfect, could there be anything wrong with him? I think not.


After Oli had calmed me down, he offered to walk me back to class which I gladly accepted. As we were walking, I didn't really notice at first that our fingers were intertwined, but it felt right. So I kept them there. We finally reached my classroom door, right as I went to reach for the handle with my free hand, Oliver pulled me close to his body, leaving our faces centimeters apart. "W-hat are you doing?" I questioned in a whisper. "What feels right." he responded and pressed his lips against mine gently, at first. After a moment, the kiss became a hungry, passionate one. We eventually pulled apart, for one we had to go to class and also I needed air. As I opened my eyes from the kiss, i was greeted by his smile, he was smiling like a 9 year old. It made me chuckle. Oli used his hand to caress my cheek, and comforting me without words. Silently preparing me for having to go back into that class. That class with Vic.... And Kelly. He gave me one last peck on the lips, before his hand slowly slipped out of mine, and began walking away.

I opened the door and not really anybody looked up , not even the teacher. Until I caught Vic... Staring intently at me. Kelly was just sitting on her phone. I felt uncomfortable, so I hurried to my seat. I turned my head away from him, but he chose to speak up. "Quite a show you two put on." He stated. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "you and Oli would make a great couple" he added. I could hear the slight amount of pain in his voice though, he wasn't a great hider of emotions. Before I could even react to what he had just said, the bell rang. I watched as he stood up, grabbed Kelly by the hand and proceeded out of the classroom without so much of glance back at me.

*So hi guys. This is such a long update, but it's kind of just crap. I felt like writing, so I wrote. Even though I had no idea what to write, I did. So I hope it was at least kind of decent. I still don't know where I wanna go with this story, please message me or something and let me know what you would like to happen in this story. Vote, comment, & READ. Thank you guys so much for everything. When you search Kellic this story is on either the first or second page. That's crazy to me. I love you all, and Iove your comments. xx*

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