Tally It Up: Part 3

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*Vics POV*

How could he try and act like he cares? It hurts I admit that, but I can't let him know that.. I had been sitting in bed all day, ever since me & Kellins 'talk'. He hasn't bothered me at all. I heard a light knock at my door. God I hope it's not fucking Kellin. I pulled myself off the bed and turned the door knob. What do you fucking know, mr. Kellin himself. "Hmm.. Hey.. Oli picked up some pizza on his way home.. Feel free to have some..." He trailed off... Lucky for me, I'm not hungry or at least I don't feel like eating. With my luck ill die of starvation. I hope.

"I'm good... Thanks" I said trying to be as polite as I could manage. "Vic" I turned my gaze towards him, his face was filled with worry. "What" I spoke. He pursed his lips before speaking " when is the last time you had a actual meal?" Fuck.. When was the last time I ate? I don't even remember. "A while" I decided with a short simple answer hoping he'd leave me alone, but of course not. That's not how Quinn works. "Vic please don't do this again... I can't let you fall back into your old habits, please come eat" he pleaded. 'Fine, if you shut up' I wanted to say, but of course I didn't because he was actually being decently nice.

I got back off my bed and followed him into the kitchen. Oli was sitting at the table with 2 slices of pepperoni pizza in front of him. "here" Kellin said, handing me a plate with 2 slices of pizza on it. I mumbled a quiet 'thanks' before begging to head back towards my room. I was interrupted though. "Vic, where are you going?" Kellin asked. "My room" I said bluntly. " Why don't you just sit out here with us? You've been in your room all day..." I was about to argue with him, but for one he was right and for two, he wouldn't let me win.

I pulled out the chair that was across from Oli and Kellin sat at the end of the table. It was kind of a uncomfortable silence as we all ate our pizza. Oliver decided to break the silence, "so how was everyone's day?" My day was shit, I stayed in bed. I hate life. "It was fine" I responded. He gave me a nod, and turned to Kellin and gave him a look telling him to speak. "It was pretty decent.." Kellin said kind of quietly.. Something was up. "Just decent? What about this morning? My morning was pretty great" Oli finished with a wink. Wait... What the fuck. I turned to face Kellin, and he was shooting a death glare at Oliver. I'm partially confused...

"Wait... What.... You two...?" I raised my eyebrows stating the question mainly towards Kellin... "We did...." Kellin replied with a sigh. Yup, I just felt my heart shatter. I had to shake it off. I can't break down now. Not in front of Kellin & definitely not in front of Oli. I took a sip of my water, using as a moment to calm down before I could respond. "Oh must have been when I was passed out in the bathroom." I said nonchalantly, trying to pretend like I didn't care. I'm guessing I was doing pretty good considering the confusion that was laced in Kellins icy blue eyes. "Wait why were you passed out on-" Oliver began to question, but Kellin already knew the answer. I saw him take a quick glance down at my wrists, that were fortunately covered by my pullover. I interrupted Oliver before he could finish because I didn't feel like telling him. "Well I'm off to bed, thanks for the Pizza Oli" I said and gave him a pat on the back before walking back into my room.

I crawled into my bed and pulled the covers up over my head and screamed into them, but no noise came out so no one else would hear. I started to sob uncontrollably, man I hate what he does to me. I shouldn't care. He's not my boyfriend... But still... How could he fuck that British twat with me in the same apartment? Kellin is such an asshole for that, I wish I didn't care. I won't.... Two can play at that game. Time to show mr. Kellin Quinn how it's done.

*so like guys I know it's not real long and I'm sorry for any errors. I wrote on my iPod, so also why there isn't any bold or italicizes. What do you guys think? I almost feel like this story is going no where... I have a few ideas, but I'm not quite sure. Thanks for all your guys support & my thing tends to change 'oli' to 'oil' so if that's there, know I meant to Oli, I'm not that stupid haaha. Love you all. xx*

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