Part 2

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My clothes were all dry. That was nice. I walked over to the horses who have stopped laughing and were now rolling on their backs and neighing in happiness. I did the same, neighing louder than any of them. Then I just lay there, looking up at the moon and stars. 

As I watched, the sky seemed to ripple like water in a breeze. I could not describe how I felt in words at that moment, with dream horses grazing around me, a spearmint breeze with a mix of Lilacs in it, what else could I wish for? I sat up and picked one of the grasses. I studied it for a moment before taking a bite. A burst of sour apple flavor filled my mouth. I was delighted. It was kinda gummy as I chewed it. I popped the rest of the grass in my mouth and savored the flavor for as long as I could. I looked over at the horses grazing away on the grass. As I looked closer I could see that they weren't eating the purple flowers. I leaned forward and plucked a flower from the ground, but no sooner had it left the ground when it shot into the sky and burst into small fireworks, then showering down on me before fading away. I grinned, snatched a bunch more and threw them in the air as they streaked up and exploded.

The horses watched as I held up my arms and face to the falling sparks as they fell all over and around me. I managed to catch one in my mouth before it disappeared. It was spicy. 

I flopped back onto the ground, pulling up a flower once in a while and eating blades of  gummy grass. 

One of the black filly's came over and sneezed on my face, making me jump up and chase after her around field, darting in and out between the horses who were all cheering for the filly. But no matter how fast I went, she could go faster so I had to stop. The filly strutted back to the herd, the other horses whinnied in warning but they weren't quick enough. I tackled the filly from behind making her squeal in surprise. I pinned her on the ground until she stopped squirming, then I let go and let her up. She was quite annoyed with me as she turned her back and sauntered back to the herd which were all laughing themselves silly. 

I sat down, leaning back on my hands and looked up at the sky again.  The big black winged horse came up and touched his nuzzle to my cheek. I had to go home now. 

I climbed onto his back reluctantly. He turns and faces the breeze then gallops past all the horses who are watching, then they start galloping along with us. We run for a quarter of a mile before the black flies up into the sky leaving the other horses and foals behind. I turn to look back, all the horses seemed to be saying goodbye as they disappeared in the mist. 

The sky was starting to turn pink on the horizon as we alighted on the ground right where the black horse had found me. When I had slid down onto the ground again, I rubbed the blacks head lovingly for a moment before stepping away and watching him fly away into sunrise.

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