Part 1

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It was dusk when it all happened. I was jogging down a dirt road that ran by our place when out of the sky came a magnificent black stallion with wings! I was overcome with awe as it alighted beside me like a swan on a lake. It shook its mane and hundreds of sparkling stars showered down around us, making me sigh with delight. I tried to grab one but it just faded away into the air. The stallion snorted and stomped its foot. Without knowing how I knew, I knew he wanted me to climb on his back, so I did without hesitation. I gripped a handful of mane in both my hands making stars shoot out. The stallion whirled and galloped a few yards before swooping into the sky. There was a big full moon above us and no sound as we glided above the clouds. Gaining confidence, I let go and held my arms out as far as I could, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through my curly brown hair. I knew I should be scared of all this happening but I wasn't. Instead, I get this colorful feeling in my chest that spread throughout my body whenever something wonderful and amazing happens.

The sky was quite dark and the stars very bright when we finally landed in a huge field. In the bright moonlight I could see dark purple, long, tiny flowers in the pale green grass that smelled like Lilacs. My favorite flower! A soft breeze blew in my face smelling lightly of spearmint. I could breath that forever. I inhaled deeply.

 The stallion, who has been watching me, turns and trots off. I turn and run after him, not wanting to be left behind. The stallion trots over to some dark shapes. More horses! I walked into the center of them grazing, they were breathtaking! There were dark purple ones with silver manes and tails that shimmered like silk in the moonlight. And some had dark red bodies with fire manes that blew sparks into the breeze when they tossed their heads. A few horses were dark blue with turquoise manes that sparkled water droplets as they shook and flicked their tails. There were a bunch of horses with a mix of colors to them. One had a black face and neck, dark blue legs and girth, purple belly and hips, red buttocks and back legs, and white mane and tail. More had different coat patterns and zigzags but always amazingly beautiful. A few had pretty little foals kicking and bucking around them. One in particular looked like a little Tiger lily as she flitted from colt to foal sprinkling happiness (that's right; happiness) behind her.

I went over and petted her on head but she couldn't stay still, she kicked up her heels and took off. I felt energy surge through me so I ran with her and the other foals, and kept up!

The other horses saw what we were doing and galloped after us and past me. I put on an extra burst of speed and leaped onto a red Arabians back only to be thrown off as it jumped over a little creek that had come out of nowhere, and I fell into it!

It was only a foot deep but I was soaking wet anyway. I tasted it. Root beer! I took a gulp, then got up and looked at the horses who had stopped on the other side to wait. They were all laughing! Don't ask me how I could tell, I just knew.

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