Chapter 30: Your side

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Chanyeol pov
So basically, exo is the new big thing, like all over Korea... No big deal. Just kidding it's so awesome! I don't even know how it happened. One minute we were struggling to get noticed. Maybe 20 to a line for our fan sign events, minimum fans on social media. The next minute our fame skyrocketed. More trips, photo shoots, better staff, more respect, and more recognition. With all good there is bad though. This bad took the form of saseang fans. I.. have no love for them. The lengths that they could go to was no joke. I think Kris is getting most of the heat. Its not his fault he was so blessed in the looks area. A few weeks ago he received a teddy bear from the fans. Imagine his reaction when water fell on the said teddy bear and it started short circuiting right after he watched a horror movie. One of the first thing we are taught as idols is how to deal with fans, but putting a camera in a gift was crossing the line. to put it lightly Kris was not happy.

I tap my fingers on the desk bored to death. 30 minutes early for a meeting. Since when did I become like this? 3 syllables. Kim Taeyeon. That absurdly attractive, funny and nice women stole my best friend. Ever since they started dating I rarely get to hang out with Baekhyun anymore. Him and that girl are inseparable. They spend so much time together and are always smiling at each other and holding hands. He also seems much more different now. The other day Kai and Sehun were looking through some.. uh..interesting magazines. Baekhyun came and instead of joining them he told them off and gave them a lecture about respecting women. What even. Not that he wasn't right or anything, but usually Baekh would be at the center of this kind of stuff. He has definitley became a changed man. But maybe for the better I guess. He does seem more charming and mature now.In some ways hes much more attractive...Byun Baekhyun that jerk. I miss him so much. Never in my whole life did I think I would ever be jealous of a 5 ft 3 girl. But then again, I never thought i would ever adore and be more terrified of a small owl demon by the name of do kyungsoo.... Ugh Why is she so perfect?If this is how fans feel then it really does suck. Every day wanting the attention of someone so out of reach. Somehow I've ended up becoming Byun Baekhyuns biggest fan. What's not to like about him am I right? How shitty. If just once I could be with him the way I want. At first I thought that maybe I could, but now that I know what he's interested in I'm basically hopeless. I hate him. But at the same time I can't help but be sure I like him the most. This is so hopeless. Thats why Im just going to throw these feelings away and occupy my time with other things. Which is why I Park Chanyeol have become a workaholic and am 30 minutes early for meetings now.My mind wonders to what Baekhyun is doing right now. He's probably saying really dumb jokes and laughing to them. Dumb but funny jokes paired with a contagious smile. Even at the thought of his laugh I find myself smiling. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I answer to the boy that has been a plague to my mind.
" Hello?"
" Chanyeol! Do me a favor, pretty please? I don't even think as I answer him back.
" Anything."
" Okay well umm so the thing is that I can't make it to the meeting, kinda preoccupied hehe." My heart drops and I feel my heart smash and burn and drop to pieces as I hear giggling on the other end.
" Taeyeon one minute." Baekhyuns laughing really loudly into the phone now.
"Baekh are you drunk?"
" Chanyeolieee I love you sososo much my best friend thank youuu.." The line goes dead and I clench the phone in my hand.
"I love you too jerk."

In my preoccupied state I don't think I was even fazed as everyone gathered at the table. That is until Kris got up.
" I'm sorry I can't do this anymore, I'm leaving exo." He left with Tao running after him. The whole room was filled with voices overlapping each other. I couldn't believe it. What just happened? Our new mv was coming out tomorrow. A new thought came across my mind and I quickly got out and frantically tried dialing Baekhyuns number. If this info about Kris leaving had already leaked then all of exo would be on high watch by fans and reporters. If he got caught with Taeyeon this night of all nights... Things would be bad.
"Baekhyun you jerk pick up!?!" I quickly grab my coat and rush outside to look for him. I have to find him. I need to do anything I can to prevent my best friend from getting hurt. The things you do when your in love.

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