Chapter 18: Temporary parting

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" promise you will call me everyday, no every minute, and don't forget about me!" We hold each other's hands not wanting to let go. When the call for boarding comes Luhan hugs me tightly.
" Be good Sehun! Don't trouble Suho too much, nothing will keep us apart." I just hug him harder and hold on. Suddenly out of nowhere Chen comes as well giving us both a hug.
" Aww I will miss you too Sehun." The intimate moment me and Luhan were having just turned into a big group hug. Kai and do reluctantly joined but Kris and Tao stood ahead. With one last look Luhan left with the other exo m members. I felt sad but knew that I would see him again soon.
" Cmon Sehun the cars waiting." Suho puts his arm around me and we head back to the van.

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