Dan 👽: Heyyy ;)

Phil 🦁: Oh hello, Ann-Catherine!

Dan 👽: ....

Phil 🦁: You know you could've just asked me about my middle name? You didn't have to call my mother and tell her it was "Ann-Catherine" asking for some information about her crush!

Dan 👽: She pressured me with the name!

Phil 🦁: Ann-Catherine? Really? Your voice is way too masculine

Dan 👽: How do you know how my voice sounds like?

Phil 🦁: ....

Phil 🦁: Maybe I'm good at guessing too?

Dan 👽: Your mum recorded that call, didn't she?

Phil 🦁: Probably

Dan 👽: And you listened to it

Phil 🦁: Probably

Dan 👽: So you're a stalker

Phil 🦁: Hey! Who called my parents just to get my middle name?

Dan 👽: Yeah, right

Dan 👽: Michael's pretty cool tho

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