This is going to be a long year

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Okay, maybe having unknown roommates was a bad idea.

For the entire semester I, Hinata Shouyou will have to live with Tsukishima Kei and Kageyama Tobio.

This wouldn't be so bad if both of them weren't assholes.

Lets start with Kageyama, he's about six feet tall, he refuses to cook, and he leaves his stupid sunglasses everywhere!

Tsukishima is just as bad, 6'3 all he does is listen to music with his headphones that cost more than rent, and he refuses to wash dishes, no matter what.

These things wouldn't kill me, if the two would even speak to me, they're both grumpy and frown all the time.

I tried to get them to go out today to get icecream, Kageyama literally growled in my face and Tsukishima told me that he had to go out with his friend Yamaguchi.

If they're going to live with me you'd think they'd at least want to get to know me, but no, they ignore me, they ignore each other. I'm going to try and get them to play a board game now. Who knows? Maybe it'll help?


Well that didn't help.

Good news, I got them to play and it was fine for about five minutes.

Bad news, well...

Kageyama is screaming his head off at Tsukishima, Tsukishima has about $6,000 dollars in monopoly money stuffed in his mouth, and I'm locked in the hall closet.

Oh God, they're coming in, I hope I don't di-

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