"If you are so stubborn about it then fine" she mumbled. "Yeah, don't I remind you of someone" I chuckled. "Me" she giggled. We laughed for a bit and then her smile turned to a frown. "You know what I have to do right?" She looked to the floor.

"I can't believe we have to erase their memories of us" I looked to the floor too.
"It's the only way to keep them safe. I just hope that when it comes to bringing them back, the spell goes correctly", tears were forming in her eyes now.

"We should pass these few days like nothing is happening. Be with them and not worry about hell going lose after that" I said to her and she nodded.

Three days passed. There were three of the best days we've shared with mom and dad, they will go in my memory forever. It was morning now, Hermione had packed everything in a small bag with a brilliant extensive incantation. After all, she was the brightest witch of her age.
"Hermione, Hailee, tea is ready darlings!" Mom shouted from downstairs.

"Coming mom!" Hermione's voice cracked. "Are you ready?" She whispered. "I'll never be ready for this" my eyes watered. She took my hand in her and we walked downstairs.
Mom and Dad were watching the news as we entered quietly the living room. They didn't notice us, it was the perfect time to do it. Hermione's wand rose in her hand as she whispered, "Obliviate"

 Hermione's wand rose in her hand as she whispered, "Obliviate"

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Suddenly, all the photos of us started fading our image. Now all the pictures were them alone or just blank picture frames. Everything about us was gone for them. I quietly hiccuped, trying to retain my sobs as Hermione pulled me out of the house her crying as well. We walked down the street hand in hand wishing it was all a dream. Hermione took my hand and we disaperated into a hotel.

"A room for two please" she said to the cashier which gave her a key to the room.
"We'll stay until tomorrow afternoon, at night we are moving Harry, we are waiting for his trace to turn off. The plan is for seven of us to turn into Harry, so they don't know which one is the real one. Madeye's idea. You can't come though, we've already established that I'll send you to the burrow with Ginny and Mrs. Weasley via flu powder. They'll wait for us to come back" she explained entering the room.

"Harry won't agree to this. I know him to damn well" I said.
"He will have to cope, I know too he won't agree to it. We should rest, tomorrow is going to be awful" she said and I nodded resting on my pillow but really couldn't sleep.


Traveling via flu powder its horrible. I've always hated it. But here I was flying out if the Weasley's chimney.
"Thank Merlin, you made it safely" Ginny hurried to help me up and hugged me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I chuckled.
"The ministry is horrible these days. And you are underage" she explained. "Right" I nodded.

"Oh beautiful, you made it! You want to eat something dear?" Mrs. Weasley appeared.

"Sure. Mrs. Weasley, I'm starving" I said going to the kitchen with her.
Night came and I found myself having my stomach uneasy. "They should be back now. Why aren't they back?" I stressed.

I'm A Mudblood, He's A Pure One // A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now