Chapter 65

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Ellie came, and then she didn’t really care about anything else. She didn’t care about Mia acting a little strangely, or whether Ellie needed to feel annoyed by it, or anything much at all.

She came, and then just lay there, relaxed.

After a moment, Mia tried to move, to slide herself away, but Ellie held on, and pressed her face against Mia’s shoulder, against the soft cotton of Mia’s shirt, and whispered, “Could you stay there a moment?”

Mia did.

Ellie held her, and felt her, all hot and warm against Ellie’s body. Ellie held on for a moment, long enough to feel everything this was, everything an orgasm was with someone, and then she looked up, and kissed Mia, and said, “Thank you.”

Mia shrugged, and smiled, as if she didn’t especially mind.

She got up, lifted herself off Ellie, and then sat beside her, leaning on the end of the bed. She flapped the front of her shirt, pulling it away from her skin to cool down. She took her hair out its ponytail, then put it back in. Her hair still seemed damp, Ellie noticed. Her shirt was too, a little.

Ellie lay where she was, still breathing unsteadily, and watched Mia.

Ellie’s pushiness was gone. The new Ellie, who demanded what she wanted and said outrageous things, she was gone for now. Disagreeing with Mia, arguing in the little way they had, that had changed Ellie’s mood.

She was back to being herself again.

She was almost a little disappointed about that. She’d liked having that confidence, it had been a nice change, but the disagreement with Mia had unsettled her enough her confidence was suddenly gone. Ellie wanted to be upset, but she wasn’t. She understood why Mia had been how she was, and she’d felt just as desperate too.

“Do you want a drink?” Mia said after a moment.

Ellie shook her head without lifting it off the bed. “I drove.”

“Water,” Mia said. “I meant. You might be thirsty.”

“I’m all right.”

“Or a drink, if you wanted,” Mia said, as if she was thinking as she said it. “I mean, you could stay, if you want to.”

Ellie looked at her. “You don’t mind?”

Mia shrugged. “Not if you want to.”


“You thought I did?”

Ellie didn’t answer. There was silence for a moment.

“So,” Mia said. “A drink…?”

Ellie shook her head again. “I’ve got work. I’ll get up in a minute and go, I’m just....”



Mia smiled. “We don’t have to stop. We could again.”

“Nah,” Ellie said. “I won’t. Not without it being a big hassle. Like more trouble than it’s worth.”

“You really seem to believe that.”

“Because it’s really true. And also it’s late, so… nah.”

Mia shrugged. She didn’t seem to mind. It was more almost as if she thought Ellie was being a little silly. Mia put her hand on Ellie’s knee, the closest part of her, and stroked, slowly, as they sat there.

Ellie lay, and thought about Mia, and how Mia had been about going down on Ellie. She wondered if everything was okay, and if they needed to talk about what had just happened. Mia was being quiet, but Ellie was fairly sure that was just Mia and it didn’t mean anything.

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