Chapter 52

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Mia looked up at Ellie, breathing hard, and said, “So I think you’ve got the hang of it.”

Ellie grinned, and said, “Me too.”

Ellie wasn’t sure what to do next, whether to just keep going, but she would normally stop for a moment, after the other person came, and let them rest, so she did that now.

Mia looked like she needed a rest. She looked happy and lazy, somehow.

Ellie was hot. She sat up, to move her skin away from Mia’s and cool down a little. She was sweaty, she realized. She could feel it clammy on her arms and body.

That must mean she’d been doing this right.

She sat up, and grinned down at Mia, and was proud of herself.

There was a little breeze still through the open window, but Ellie didn’t like the dampness on her skin. She slid her hand over her tummy and felt it slippery. She pulled up the edge of the sheet and wiped her front, where pressing against Mia had made them both damp.

Then, gently, she wiped Mia.

Then she let go of the sheet, and touched Mia’s chest again, just because it was there. And only then wondered if she should have just wiped like that at all, with someone else’s sheet. Without asking, or anything.

“Um,” she said, and looked at it.

“It’s fine,” Mia said, and didn’t seem to care.

Ellie kept stroking, moving her hand along Mia’s side.

“You look smug,” Mia said.

Suddenly Ellie felt a little silly. Self-conscious, anyway. She looked up, and saw Mia’s smile, and decided that Mia didn’t mean it badly.

Ellie shrugged. “I am, I guess,” she said. “I did you.”

“You did.”

Ellie grinned again. “I so did.”

“So,” Mia said. “You?”

“I didn’t yet.”

Mia looked at her. “I know you didn’t, you idiot. But do you want to?”

Ellie nodded.

“Fuck me if you want,” Mia said, still lazy. Ellie thought she was being lazy, just lying there after she came. Ellie probably would have too.

Ellie sat there for a moment, wondering about how. “You know I don’t think I can, right,” she said.

“Maybe,” Mia said. “Maybe not. Do you want to try?”

Ellie shrugged. Then nodded.

“So try,” Mia said.

Ellie thought. “Okay,” she said.

She pushed the sheet out the way, and slid back onto Mia. She could quite work out where to lie, because she needed to be in a slightly different place to do this for herself than when she was trying to do it for Mia. She couldn’t quite see properly either, not down between her own legs. Not well enough to aim, without bending right over like an idiot and probably hitting her head onto Mia’s face. She could feel herself bumping into Mia, and moved a little this way, and a little that way, trying to find a place to press that felt good.

She didn’t quite manage.

“Hold on,” Mia said, and moved her leg, so it was between Ellie’s.

Ellie didn’t understand for a moment. They had mostly having sex with one of them completely between the other’s legs, but now Mia had only put one of hers between Ellie’s, and not the other, so now their legs were interwoven. So they were both pressed against each other, at the same time.

Ellie felt Mia’s leg, and understood. Now it was tighter against her, and easier to feel where to go. She looked downwards, just in case it helped, and lined up carefully. She pushed against Mia, and moved. She looked at Mia, and touched her, and moved, slowly.

And felt Mia push back onto her.

It was a little confusing. Everything was back to front for what they’d been doing a few minutes ago. Now Ellie was moving for herself, trying to find a place so everything worked for her rather than Mia, and now Mia was the one who was a little hesitant, fitting in around Ellie, trying to let Ellie worked out what she liked.

Ellie moved, and Ellie liked, and started to find how she needed it to be.

It was good. It was slightly odd, to be the one in control, and to be doing this entirely for herself. She wasn’t used to it. Sex for her was usually being fucked, feeling someone else against her and taking what she could from their body. She wasn’t used to being the one deciding how to move, and suddenly that seemed like something she ought to change.

Because she liked it, now she was. And not just for a change.

She wasn’t sure how to move, but it almost didn’t matter, not really. She tried anyway. She pushed. She slid, like she had been for Mia, and that worked. It was like when Mia moved against her, but not quite the same. Not quite as good.

Not yet.

She shifted slightly, and tried again, moved her hips a little differently, and found a way where it seemed to work, where suddenly it felt a lot better.

She concentrated. She looked down, trying to see what she was doing. Then she looked at Mia, who smiled, encouragingly.

Ellie kissed her.

Ellie moved, and kept moving, but she was already getting tired.

She was still sliding fairly slowly and carefully, not nearly fast or long or furiously enough to make herself come. It wasn’t a way of moving she was used to, she decided. It was almost the same as what she’d done before, but wasn’t quite. It was much more about her. And that meant it needed different muscles.

Oddly, she felt like she was suddenly doing crunches a different way to how she normally did them. Like touching her elbows to her knees when she’d always slid her hands along the floor. It was just different enough to be tiring, and just tiring enough she wasn’t concentrating on what she was feeling. Just tiring enough it was almost becoming a chore.

She didn’t want it to be that. Not at all.

She stopped, breathing hard, and looked at Mia, and suddenly had no idea how to explain. She couldn’t say about crunches.

Mia seemed to understand, though. She looked at Ellie, and then said, “Do you want me to?”

Ellie nodded. “Maybe.”


Ellie shrugged. She was starting to feel self-conscious again. As if she ignorant, somehow, which should be bad, because of course she was.

“We don’t have to do it how we were before,” Mia said. “If you want to try something else?”

Ellie thought about that. “Like what?”

“Like anything you like?”

Ellie decided that was an interesting idea. “Okay,” she said. “Show me.”

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