Chapter Two: Speedy's

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"Well, hopefully they come by soon."

"Yeah, hopefully." Sherlock agreed.

Sherlock glanced away sort of, looking past John noticing that his order was up.

"Oh... I think-" Sherlock pointed at the counter

"Oh!" John laughed, "Be right back."

Sherlock held his breath, how am I supposed to live with him if i cant even manage a normal conversation?

"Breathe." Mike said quietly.

"Im fine, Mike." Sherlock grumbled, he hated when people noticed him uneasy, especially when they told him to calm down.

John came back with his order, and they all sat at one of the booths. Sherlock sat across from John while Mike and John sat next to each other, John began normal conversation once the group had settled.

"So its just next door huh?"

"Yup." Sherlock said, popping the 'p'.

They discussed rent which bored Sherlock immensely. John tried to regain control of the conversation beyond rent.

"So, how often do you have chicks over?" John asked lightly, Sherlock got extremely uncomfotable, trying his best not to look it.

"Girlfriends aren't really my area." Sherlock said, looking out the window, still trying to sooth his shaken nerves.

"So you bring boyfriends over?" John asked, he was genuinely questioning, Sherlock noticed that he didn't have any indication of being uncomfortable.

"Which is fine by the way." John added in quickly, trying HIS best not to look nervous, the last thing he wanted was to offend a possible flatmate.

"I know its fine." Sherlock said.

"So, no?"

Sherlock took a breath, Mike pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Relationships are something that I find pointless, calling someone by a name other than the one they were given at birth sounds ridiculous to me, and labeling someone as a boyfriend or girlfriend sounds like labeling proporty." Sherlock said, he noticed uncomfortable expressions go across each mans face. Damn. Im showing. Sherlock thought to himself.

"Okay, you're unattached, like me." John smiled, Sherlock thought he might have understood what he meant, but little did he know that John was slightly disappointed.

There was an awkward silence that filled the booth after that. Sherlock and John didnt look at each other much during the silence, Mike finally broke and disrupted the silence.

"John, did you know that Sherlock is trying to become a detective?"

"Really? That must be difficult. Seeing dead bodies like that." John added, taking a drink from his soda.

"You're studying to be a doctor, seeing dead bodies wouldn't or should I say shouldn't bother you." Sherlock said, Way to sound normal, Sherlly. Sherlock thought to himself.

"Who said I was studying to be a doctor?" John looked to Mike who shrugged and put his hands up defensively.

"I did." Sherlock stated.

"How could you possibly know that?"

Mike mouthed "here we go." and rolled his eyes.

"I know that you have just graduated from military school, you passed with flying colors, your skills are showing even at a resteraunt, you sit up straight and eat politely, you are very fit and your hair is army cut, grown out slightly, you got back about 2 months ago, you are now studying to be a doctor at the college that Mike goes to, thats how you know each other, need I go on?" Sherlock stared John, not knowing whether he was going to punch him or laugh.

John just smiled, "That was," he paused for a while, "incredible."

"Didn't i mention that he wanted to be a detective?" Mike laughed.

Sherlock just shrugged with a small grin, he rather enjoyed showing off.

"Okay, so when you get your stuff all moved in I think I will take the room upstairs." John laughed.

"Okay." Sherlock said, slightly shocked, usually his personality drives anyone away.

"Well thats settled then!" Mike was looking extremely happy, Sherlock knew there was something deeper than just helping John. Mike was trying to bring them together. But why?

They said goodbye to each other then went their separate ways, Sherlock went back to the flat, closing the door behind him, he slid down the door and sat on the ground.

"What the hell was that?" he said outloud to himself.

He heard his phone ring in his pocket, he pulled it out and looked to see an incoming call from Mycroft.

He groaned and answered.

"What?" Sherlock said coldly.

"Hello, brother dear, hows adult life suiting you?"

"Just fine. Did you call for a reason?"

"Yes, this John Watson fellow could be trouble for you little brother." Mycroft sounded like he cared, Sherlock knew that he didnt.

"How the hell did you know about him?" Sherlock knew it was a stupid question, Mycroft knew everything and everyone.

"Never mind that, don't get involved." Mycroft warned.

"You saying that makes me want to get involved even more." Sherlock taunted.

"Little brother, your innocence is quite funny, stop trying to mingle."

Sherlock was getting rather annoyed with his brother.

"Mycroft, what I do in my adult life is none of your concern any longer." Sherlock hung up after he said that, he was done listening to his brother.

Immediately after he hung up, he got a text.

MYCROFT: 12:12 pm

Teenlock: Its always going to be you.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang