{ 16. Parties and awkward silences }

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"So..." Stiles said. The group of four were sitting on the couch in his house, on the right was Scott, next to him was Allison, next to her was Stiles and next to him was the silent Lydia. She hadn't said anything since she agreed to go to the party with four people instead of two. "Well, Lyds, what are you gonna wear?" Allison asked. Stiles felt Lydia tighten up next to him, probably holding in her anger. Nothing annoyed her more than people calling her 'Lyds'. Only when Stiles said it she liked it. "The salmon dress. And my name is Lydia." She said after a minute of silence. "And how are you going to do your makeup, Lyds?" Allison asked while Scott and Stiles sat in silence. The tension was unbearable. "I don't know. I want to wear just a little bit anyways." Lydia said. "I can help you if you want." Allison suggested. "No, thank you. I'll just watch some tutorials and I'll be fine." Lydia said. "You know, those are harder than you'd expect." Allison said. "Fine. Then you'll help me, who cares." Lydia said. Stiles looked shocked at her but when she gave him a sweet smile he forgot about it. Maybe it was time to forgive and forget. The two girls went to Stiles' room and Scott and Stiles were left with an awkward silence.

"So, what kind of makeup do you want to wear?" Allison asked Lydia. "Just a tiny bit. I don't need a lot." Lydia said awkwardly. An awkward silence. Lydia and Allison both didn't speak, they just looked at each other. Lydia's look full of hate, and Allison's full of regret. Lydia looked away after a while and grabbed her makeup. "I bought this." She said and handed Allison the makeup, not looking at her. "Foundation, concealer, blush and highlight... Not bad. I have some lipstick if you want." Allison said, looking at the few things Lydia bought. "I wanted to buy lipstick but didn't know which one to get. There was so much choice." Lydia said. "I have one that will fit you perfectly." Allison said and she grabbed it out of her backpack. It was a nude color with hints of pink and glitter. Lydia smiled, she loved the color. "Now, let's begin. Let's start with the foundation." Allison said. She grabbed the foundation and pumped it out on the back of her hand. What came out was a very dark liquid. "This is way too dark for you!" Allison laughed. "Are there more shades than one?" Lydia asked laughing as well. "Of course! It's okay you don't need it anyway." Allison said. "I'm so not good at makeup." Lydia mumbled to herself. "Concealer. You actually bought it in the right shade! We can use that. Now just sit still, it'll take like fifteen minutes."

And after seventeen minutes, the makeup was done. Lydia looked in the mirror after Allison was done and was stunned. She looked so beautiful, the mascara made her eyes even wider and the concealer made her skin more even. The blush she was wearing made her cheeks just the right amount of pink and the highlighter was very natural which she wanted. "Oh my god, Allison, thank you!" She said and hugged Allison. She didn't know how she felt about Allison at this point but she knew that staying mad at her wasn't the solution. She needed to forgive, to forget. Allison was a bit shocked at first, but after a while hugged her friend back. She missed her, so much.

Allison and Lydia both went downstairs. Stiles looked up and wanted to melt away. Lydia looked so ethereal, so stunning. She was already without makeup, and every time Stiles saw her he was stunned once again. But now... It was different. It was different from all the other times, because she actually looked confident. Without makeup, she looked content with herself but never tried to show herself off. But now, she glowed, and she was more than happy to show it. "You.. look.." Stiles said, but the words couldn't come out. "Bad?" Lydia's smile faded. "No, you look beautiful! Absolutely stunning." Stiles said. Lydia's smile grew back and she hugged Stiles. The first hug they shared, and it felt amazing. Her touch, her warmth, her breath in his neck, it all connected. But it was over way too quickly, as Lydia disconnected the hug. She looked at Stiles with a smile and hugged Allison right after. Allison had an shocked look on her face as well, and smiled a wide smile as she returned the hug.

Stiles, Allison, Lydia and Scott were in Stiles' jeep. Stiles and Lydia in the front, Allison and Scott in the back, heading to Isaac's party. "Is anyone even excited for this party?" Allison asked. She was complaining the entire drive but in the end who even blamed her. Isaac's parties were always a mess, there were drugs and alcohol, and no one really was up for that. But since Isaac was a friend of the group they had to go. "No one is, Allison. But Isaac's our friend, we can't not go." Stiles said. "Did you hear, Stiles? Malia is coming." Allison informed her friend. Stiles shocked. Not tonight, he thought. Not now that Lydia is with him. Malia would definitely go crazy and hit him again. But he kept calm and didn't say anything. "Who's Malia?" Lydia asked. "She's Stiles' crush." Allison said teasingly. Lydia looked down and felt sad for some reason. So he already has someone. "Very funny. Lydia, Malia is that stalker I told you about." Stiles said when he saw Lydia feeling down. Lydia looked up and smiled. They were at Isaac's house and went in. They were going to have an awful time, that was for sure.

Honestly what an awful person I am for not uploading for 3 months, sorry. I had such a writer's block omg. But when I saw I had 1K (!!!!) i just needed to write again. Thank you so much for all the comments and votes, I really appreciate it!! Sure 1K doesn't sound like much for most people but to me it's a lot Haha

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