{ 10. Unsuspected }

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Stiles stood in front of the school, still waiting for Lydia. What did she want to do? He couldn't think about it for too long, because Lydia already arrived. "You ready?" She asked and Stiles nodded. Lydia jogged towards the school parking lot. "Okay, so we actually need a car for this but I don't have a car so my question actually is... Do you have one?" She asked awkwardly and Stiles chuckled. He nodded and showed to his blue jeep. "I didn't know you had such a beautiful car!" Lydia squeaked and looked inside, her eyes full of wonder. "Haha, thanks." Stiles answered and he opened the door for her. She stepped in and he followed right after. "So, where are we going?" He asked. "Nah-ah! I'm not telling! I'll tell you the directions and you'll just have to follow them." Lydia explained and laughed. Stiles started the car and drove off. "How come we never have to be at school?" He asked after a while and Lydia shrugged. "I never have to be at school. No teacher blames me because they say I'm 'too smart'." She said. "I guess people don't blame you because you lost your mother not too long ago." She continued. Stiles shrugged and then nodded. She was probably right. "To the right." Lydia instructed and Stiles obeyed. It went like that for about twenty minutes, the radio playing and a few words shared.

"Where are we?" Stiles asks when he stops in front of a forest. "This used to be where I lived, before my parents died." Lydia explained and she untied her belt and stepped out of the car. Stiles did the same after he turned off the car. Lydia walked into the forest and Stiles followed. They walked deeper and deeper into the woods until they reached an open space. There were not as many streets as everywhere else and there was a tiny pond in the middle of it. It rained during the car ride, so petrichor was in the air. "Here we are!" Lydia said while spinning around. She breathed in the air and smiled. "I missed this place, it's been so long." She said and turned to Stiles. He looked around with wide eyes at how beautiful everything was, almost ethereal. "It's ethereal isn't it?" Lydia asked and she sat down, her legs criss crossed. "Just what I thought." Stiles said and he sat down next to Lydia, who was looking at the ripples in the pond, formed by the drizzle, that was slowly forming in the sky. "It's just starting to rain." Lydia said, no dissatisfaction in her voice. "I love when it rains." Stiles said and Lydia looked at him. "The sky and earth feel connected, even though they never are." He explained and Lydia smiled, followed by a slight nod. "I always love the ripples." She said. "What about them?" Stiles asked. "They start out so small, but grow so much as they go. They remind me of people." Lydia explained, her sight set on the pond. Stiles smiled at her and laughed, Lydia looked confused at him. "Why does everything you say make sense to me?" He asked, himself more than the girl next to him. "Because we are the same." She said. "We had the same experiences, feel the same about almost everything, and love the same things. I sometimes wonder how I found you. I never thought I'd find someone who I relate to so much." She continued and she looked down, as always. Stiles didn't mind it, as he looked down as well. Whenever they had deep conversation (which was basically every conversation they had) they looked down. Maybe to avoid eye-contact, maybe to let the words sink in more than they would if their sight was set on each other, or maybe just because of embarrassment. "Every word you say, I feel is spoken out with so much thought, yet not thought about at all." Stiles said. "Not thought if it'd be weird, or strange to the other. Just raw and so meaningful. I relate to everything you say, at least, almost everything you say. Every second I spend with you is just as meaningful to me as hours with my other friends." He ended, leaving a stunned Lydia. "We-we're friends?" She asked, instead of a question that may had mattered. But this question was on her mind for so long, it even scared her. A friend was something she didn't have for years; ever since 7th grade she hadn't bothered to try and befriend anyone. But this boy sitting next to her came out of nowhere, and he was better than any rehearsed meeting. Everything they did, every conversation they had, it happened out of nowhere, it was unsuspected. "Of course we are." And in that moment, that was everything that mattered. The friendship they had surely was strange to people who weren't in it, but for the two people involved, it was so logical. They knew they were meant for each other, and they may have not known why, but they just knew. And that realisation was also, unsuspected.

Wrote this while listening to Red Velvet (huge recommendation btw)
Hope you enjoyed! :)

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