The Note

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Class was about to end, as well as the whole school day at last.

I was in my desk doodling away when the bell finally rang. Everyone scattered out of the classroom like maggots while I took my sweet time.

"Evie." My teacher called.

I internally groaned and turned my head to see my teacher ushering me to come forward.

Though I didn't want to, I did so anyways.

"Yes Mr. Kim?" I said.

"I need your parents to sign this." He told me and handed me a piece of paper.

It's a letter stating that I'm failing and could potentially be held back a year.

I sighed, "Seriously?"

He nodded, "I can't keep wasting my time making sure if you pass or not. You're showing no sign that you're trying, what else am I supposed to do?"

I wanted to curse him out, but I figured that wouldn't help shit.

"Fine." I spoke and placed the paper in my school bag, "I'll get it signed. Anything else?"

"Were you listening?" He asked, "I just said you're failing."


"Don't you have any thing to say?" He asked.


He rolled his eyes and shaked his head, "Get out of my face, Evie. Have a good day."

I forced a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Kim, you too."

With that, I happily walked out of class, showing my teacher that I really don't care.

I headed straight for my locker.

I need a drink.


I turned around with a big grin, "Hobi!"

My best friend came running into my arms.

"I almost thought you left without me, hoe." He said and pulled away.

"Relax, horse face. Mr. Kim was up my ass again." I said as we walked side by side.

"Again? Why now?" He asked.

"I'm failing."

"No surprise there." Hoseok teased.

I nudged him, "You're dumber than me, don't come at me like that."

He giggled, "Look at you, acting like you don't care. When are you going to lose the attitude and straighten out your grades?"

"The same day you take your dancing skills to the next step." I snapped.

Hoseok looked away immediately.

"Yeah, I thought so." I said, "You're so good, when are you going to compete in competitions and get recognized?"

"Recognized? As if that'll happen. My moves suck." He said.

"Whatever." I said and suddenly stopped walking, "Oh my gosh."

"What?" Hoseok said and looked forward.

"It's him.." I said all mesmerized and starstrucked.

The guy of my dreams.

Lee Jooheon.

He is everything.

He is everything

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