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“Wake up Casey,” Macy calls out to me from far away. “You've got a lot to do today.”

“It's a Saturday Macy,” I plead to her, “can't I sleep for just a little longer?”

“Nope!” She shouts jumping on me laughing, “I've got big plans for us.”

“What is it?” I ask stretching awake.

Her ghost figure leans towards me with a sneaky smile, “We're going to get you a doggy.”

“Mom will never go for it.” I tell her confused.

“I've got it figured out now go and see if anyone needs your help. I'll give you a hint it's somewhere in the neighborhood.” She jumps up disappearing from view.

“I think I'm completely insane.” I whisper to myself.

“Who are you talking to Casey?” Lacey asks peeking in looking around my room.

“Just myself.” I snap at her.

She shrinks to herself, “I heard you need help doing good deeds around the neighborhood do you want me to help you?”

I look at her confused and whisper, “Do you see her too?”

She looks at me like I'm crazy, “She told me in her letter and I heard you mentioning something about in the neighborhood. Are you alright Casey?”

I shook my head, “Let me get dressed and we'll go.”

“Does Chase hate me too?” Lacey whispers to me.

“How should I know?” I yell at her.

“I don't blame you and I wouldn't blame him. I should've died instead.” She mutters to herself.

“Will you shut up with that non-sense. Macy would smack you if she were here. She didn't die for you to feel sorry for yourself. If anyone should hate you it would've been her. She never hated you in the end so just stop. ” I scream at her throwing her out of my room. I open the door quietly and softly mutter, “Stop hating yourself for Macy at-least. Go get dressed and I'll meet you in the kitchen, alright?”

 “Alright.” She stutterers out. 


Sorry this was so short I plan to finish this chapter out tomorrow. Reason I'm not finishing tonight is because it's almost 1 am and I have to wake up at oh 8 am. I want to thanks every single person that reads this cause it means so much to me. You. are. amazing. and. beautiful!

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