Hydra nightmares BuckyxReader

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Okay so i  wrote this a little while ago and figured, i hadn't updated in a while sooo why not? XD

You and Bucky had been living together and had been together for a little while now. Though, he still hadn't ever told you about what had happened to him in HYDRA. You always had proceeded to pester him about it but it was no use. He never answered. Just stared at you emotionlessly. You started to give in after three to four weeks of this. But, that's when the nightmares started to occur. He had one or two every week and it stressed you to high hell. You hated seeing him like this. You couldn't take it. It killed you inside. You kept trying to always get him to talk about what happened in the nightmares once they started but you got the same reasons that you got when you tried to get him to talk about HYDRA. A blank, emotaniolessly face. You both where in bed, sleeping. It was about one in the morning when you where awaken from Bucky screaming and yelling in his sleep. This had been the second time this week.

You once again got up and ran to his room and went by his side, he was panting and murmuring stuff you didn't understand. It seemed to be in.....Russian? "Bucky! Bucky wake up! It's just another dream! " You say, shaking him lightly.

He shoots up , panting heavily and sweating a lot.

"Bucky, Bucky what happened." You asked him worriedly.

"Nothing. Thanks for waking me up." He says staring at you emotionlessly, before turning back over on his side, his back towards you.

"Okay." You say sadly and walk out of the dark room and go back to yours, falling asleep a few hours later.

The next day you did the same thing that you always did, trying to get him to talk about it. And he did the same thing he always did, gave you a stare that had no emotion what so ever until you changed the subject.

That night you hadn't gotten to fall asleep again. You where to worried about him. the nightmares where getting worse. You where pulled by your thoughts as you heard the screaming again, only it was three times instead of two that week.

"Bucky wake up!!!!!!!!" You say a bit louder than usual. Shaking him a little harder than usual. He woke up once again
The only word that came out of his mouth when he woke up was, "y/n" You held his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. His expression had almost nothing in it. All you could see was a little bit of fright.

" Bucky, what the hell is going on in your dreams?" you asked, worry and concern in your voice.

"I don't wanna talk about it y/n. I don't wanna." He told you.

"Okay well I'm not leaving until you tell me." You say, taking your hands off his shoulders and crossing them.

"I'm not going to." He said and turned over so that his back was facing you.

"Well then I'm just gonna stay the night then." You say and scoot a chair over near the bed.

"You're not going to sit there y/n." He says in a sleepily voice. "If you're staying then you are sleeping here and if you're sleeping here your gonna be comfortable." He says as he turns over to face you, scooting over some. "Get in." He says at you, some kind of emotion you didn't know what kinda though, in his voice. You sigh and get in the blankets. "I'm not happy with you buck." You say as you get under the blackest.

"I know." He says and pulls you into his chest, cuddling you as much as he possibly could. You both fell asleep and didn't wake up until the morning.

When you woke up you where still in Bucky embrace.

You wiggled out without waking him up and got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make him some breakfast when he woke up.

Once you where putting it on a plate for him you heard him walk into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie." You say without turning around.

"Hey." He says sleepily.

"W-what are you doing?" He asks you confused.

"I made you breakfast" You say with a smile on your face as you bring the plate over to the table for him.

"Here" You say and make him sit.

"Um----thanks" He says, eyeing you suspiciously.

When he took a bite after a second you started to talk.

"So, what have you been dreaming about? Your gonna tell me Barnes. I can't take this anymore." You say. Losing the smile.

When he hears what you say chokes on his food almost, giving you a look of such mixed feelings.

"I- I don't wanna talk about it." He says and puts the fork down. Swallowing the food and looking at his plate.

"Fine. But I'm just gonna bug you about it all day, following you around until you tell me." You say to him.

You sticked to your word, every half-an-hour you would bring it up again. And he would just say no.

This went on and on until around dinner when he finally broke. "Bucky tell me now! This can't keep going on! How will you get past it if you don't talk about it?! If you just conceal it in until you die sad and broken!" you shout back. You guys had gotten into a shouting match about it. You seemed to of hurt him a little or something with your remark.

"Fine. I'll tell you." He says in a quieter voice.

"Its-its HYDRA. They- they made me into something.. a killer. They tortured me.. they took my memoirs of everything. They made my their toy. they broke me. everything I was..." He says. Looking down at the floor slightly to break eye contact with you. You felt like an asshole after what he just said.

You walked over to him and put an arm around him. he proceeded to tell you. "I've been having dreams-dreams about what they did, what they are trying to do. And- and they took you. they did everything they did to me, and- and did it to you." He said and looked at you, sad and worry written all over his face and voice.

"Bucky. I-I'm sorry." You say and give him a full hug as big and as hard as you possibly could.

"Bucky you need to know that you're not gonna have to go back to them. Ever. I'll kill them all before they take my Bucky away. Every last one of them. And that you aren't gonna go through anything like that again. That you're safe. And that I love you more than anything in this world." You say, still hugging him.

He hugged you back.

"Bucky- please don't hide anything like this from me again. I care about you so much and seeing you like this kills me inside." You say, hugging him tighter.

"I wont y/n. I promise. I love you." He says and barries his head in your chest.

"I love you to buck." You say and kiss the top of his head.

"Well find a way to help you Bucky. I promise you." You say to him.

"Thank you." He says.

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