"You should've hit him back. God knows he deserves it." Delaney sighed as she climbed up the ladder to Lip's top bunk.

"If I ever do, I'll fucking kill him." Ian practically growled.

"So? Eight to ten for manslaughter. Get laid as often as you want. Tattoos and everything. It's gay heaven, man", Lip laughed, looking at his brother.

Ian sighed before leaning back on his bed. God; he fucking hated Frank.


There was a loud banging on Delaney's bedroom door early in the morning, or so she thought. It turned out to be around one in the afternoon. Oops.

"Have you seen Frank?" Lip asked as he barged through her door, scaring the hell out of her.

"You know, I don't know why you bother knocking if you're going to come in anyways. I could have been changing or having sex." She rolled her eyes towards the boy. Lip gave her a look, and she sighed loudly.

"No, I haven't seen him. Why? Wait, isn't it the last Friday?" She asked the older boy, sitting up as she did so.

"Yeah, exactly. We can't find him in any of his usual spots." The boy sighed, sitting down next to
his friend.

"Need help looking?" The girl offered, sending Lip a small smile.

"Nah, it's okay; Karen's gonna help me look around some; besides, you need your beauty sleep." The boy joked.

Delaney smiled at the boy. "Well, good luck, and keep me updated, okay?"

Lip nodded and gave a quick kiss on the cheek to his best friend, "Will do. I'll see you later, Laney."

And Delaney watched as the boy got up and left before sighing loudly and falling back onto her bed.


"Franks in Canada?" The girl snorted while taking a huff from the Marlboro in her hand.

"Yup, Kev and Steve left this morning to go pick him up," Lip explained to the girl.

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" Lip said suddenly before looking at the girl.

"What?" She laughed.

"I just need something to take my mind off of my flake of a father." Lip sighed,

 leaning back on her bed.

"Lip you know I don't do that shit." The girl said, a hint of anger hidden in her voice.

"I know I know, I just- God everyone's been so up my ass about everything lately, I just need something, anything, to take my mind off of everything." The boy groaned rolling to lay on his stomach, burying his face in her pillow.

"We could always fuck, that'll take your mind off of things." She smirked before laying next to the boy, pulling slightly at one of his loose curls.

"Fuck off." he groaned.

Delaney scoffed and slapped his back lightly before laughing. "I have Breaking Bad seasons 1-3 on DVD, we could have a marathon." The girl tempted.

"I don't need to learn how to make meth Lanes, my grandmother can teach me that shit."

Delaney groaned, "Ugh you're no fun." There was a moment of silence before she sighed. "Do you want to just listen to music and get high?"

"I'd thought you'd never ask."


Delaney sat next to her friend at the counter in his house, her homework splayed across in front of her. Lip nudged her knee with his catching her attention. The girl hummed.

"Number 13 is wrong." He whispered to her, earning a groan from the other girl. She was about to speak when a knock caught their attention. Lip stood to answer the door, letting in a timid-looking Tony. Delaney gave the older man a small smile as her friend took a seat next to her, ready to resume his work. Delaney gave his foot a soft kick, glancing between Tony and Fiona before Lip finally got the hint. 

"Right... well, we're gonna go finish our homework upstairs," Lip spoke, grabbing his books before making his way up the stairs towards his room, a giggling Delaney behind him.


"How's your mom?" Lip broke the silence between the two. Delaney looked up at the boy, confusion evident on her face. Lip continued, "You know after your dad..." Delaney let out a sigh.

"She's doing the best she can right now. She misses him- a lot." 

"What about you?" Lip asked, his eyes trained on his friend. 

"Fuck him." Delaney spat. "If he can just pick up and leave his family behind to be with some 25 year old then I don't want him around anyway." The girl grumbled, looking back to her homework, the sting of tears in her eyes.

Lip felt sorry for the girl, he knew how it felt to have a parental figure leave. Unlike his friend, he had had time to heal, but for Delaney, her father had left them only 4 months prior. 

"Fuck him." Lip began, "He left behind the two best people I know. Seriously Lanes, I don't know where I'd be without your mom, or you. Especially you." Lip's eyes met Delaney's for a split second before she smiled. 

"You going soft on me Gallagher?" 

"Asshole." Lip rolled his eyes at his friend before going back to his homework.

sexual tension // l. gallagher (DISCONTINUED)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara