To put my racing mind at ease I had to see Kenny off, making sure he got on the bus and never came back. I watched as Kenny was being lead to a bus that was going to transport him from the jail, that was currently holding him, to the Federal Correctional Institution of Milan. Before boarding, he looked over his shoulder at me. I steadily held his gaze until he muttered 'You will receive what is coming to you, soon. All deeds don't go unpunished'. The police who was escorting him to the bus scoffed and roughly pushed him forward toward the other awaiting inmates.

I know I shouldn't have let his words get to me but I still found myself later that day wondering what he meant by that. You will receive what is coming to you soon. All deeds don't go unpunished. What the hell does that mean? What is exactly would I be receiving? More importantly who am I getting it from?Is it gratitude for my hard work? Because that is what I most certainly deserved. I spent my precious time plotting and planning this for almost year, my work has finally paid off. Right? I don't have to worry about Kenny or Annabelle anymore. I can finally take a breather and have a break. Maybe I should take a break on killing... just for a little while.

No, you can not... that bitch Rachel is still alive... you may not rest until she is in the dirt along with the rest of them.

In the midst of all this drama, I forgot all about the plan I had made for Rachel. I honestly think I didn't want to remember, she and I have been spending almost everyday with each other this week. Building our blossoming relationship. With our case closing and Kenny at trial, we had a lot of free time on our hands so we decided to spend it together. Just us, not worrying about anything the outside world has going on. Of course I had to lie to Caroline about my whereabouts because she wouldn't understand. She never was the most understanding person. She would think a few hours is a enough to gather any information I needed from her. From the very mouth of Caroline, she feels that I do not need to be spending anymore time than is necessary with one of them, because my mind is easily "malleable" as she outs it. But, Rachel isn't just one of them to me anymore. She is so much more than that, I think it is safe to say that she has grown on me.

 I have actually grown fond of gazing upon her alluring face, admiring all of her beautiful attributes. I love the little brown specks that are splattered across her cheeks. Her mint green eyes puts a spell on me, sucking me into her enslaving gaze. No matter how hard I would attempt to look away, not that I wanted to anyways, I couldn't. It is as if she had me looked in place. Her luxurious fiery red would cascade down into its natural waves flowing against her shoulders. Whenever she would fall asleep on my chest I spent hours running my fingers through it oh so delicately. Ever so often I would inhale the enticing scent of her strawberry shampoo. It must have been her favorite kind because she would use it often.

Idiot boy! Don't extol this devil... she is the enemy! Kill her not daydream about her...

The voices that yelled for me to stop thinking these kind of things, can't be quieted for some reason. I can not shut them up, they only silence themselves when I hold Rachel close to me. She is the only one that keeps them away. It's not like these voices in my head are foreign to me, I have been hearing them since I was a little boy, eight or nine maybe. They would always tell me to do these absurd things that I knew wasn't right. I knew I shouldn't be doing it, but I always found myself acting upon these dark thoughts anyway.

I remember the day my evil thoughts got the best of me, making me go through with what they told me to do. An orange and white striped kitten would always used to come to our old family barn, every day in search of some food. The neighbors we used to have moved away due to my parents constant fighting leaving their cat behind to fend for his self. It would sneak into the barn and eat the scraps that our animals didn't finish. 

The cat would make a mess all over the floor leaving me to clean it up, until one day my thoughts told me to stop it for once and for all. I grabbed a nearby stone and hit it over the head with it. So that it wouldn't want to come back here ever again. I did just that, only I wasn't satisfied with just injuring it. I continued to beat the cats head with the rock until it's skull was caved in on the right side and blood leaked from the nose and eyes.

Shocked, I immediately jumped up dropping the rock in the process. I looked down at my bloodied hands and clothes in utter shock. I couldn't believe I just murdered this poor, poor animal in cold blood. There was no way it could have stood a chance against my brutal attack. I kept muttering 'I'm a murderer' under my breath as I stared down at the cats corpse. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I ran from the barn back to our house, it was late at night so I had to creep past Caroline's bedroom as well as my parents bedroom. I sat fully clothed in my bathtub, watching the blood change to a light pink color as it slithered down the drain. 

I blinked at the mountain of paperwork on my desk, erasing that terrible memory. That is a place in my mind I haven't visited in awhile. Those memories were looked away in the deep retches of my mind, never surfacing unless opened. At first I didn't tell Caroline it happened, I felt too ashamed. Until a few years later, I evolved from little animals to full grown creatures. She caught me burying the body of one of our pigs. Afraid she might yell at me for doing something so sinister I begin trying to explain why I did it, but to no avail she quickly silenced me. She grabbed the shovel from my hands and silently finished burying it. She turned to me when she finished, telling me she was proud of me. In a sick way I felt good that I pleased Linny and the voices in one task. So I continued to do so for another couple of years.

It is as though these voices only quell down if I am committing a menacing crime. But I found an alternative, Rachel. Quite frankly... I have to say I like the second option better. 

I ran my fingers through my hair as I glanced back down to the paperwork at hand. Since the Messenger case is closed I was assigned to another one involving the mayor's wife accused of murdering his mistress. It is a shame that the wife has to go through this just because her husband couldn't keep it in his pants. I swivel around in my chair as I feel two fingers lightly tap my shoulder. The culprit is none other than Rachel, she smiled down at me.

"Hey, let's get out of here. You've been working hard all day."

"Yes but I have no leads and it is extremely frustrating." I began stuffing my paperwork into its correct folder before following Rachel to the door.

"I know, but you need a break before you completely fry your brain. How about we go to the movies. Would you like that?" I smile lightly, pecking her lips.

"As long as I am with you then it is perfect." Her already big smile widened, if that is even possible. I grabbed her hand and lead her to my truck.

I think I am beginning to fall for Rachel Clark.

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