Not A Slut Just Don't Give A Fuck

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I know there are people who calls other people sluts because well..... They deserve it but have you ever thought

'maybe they just want to'

There are two types of sluts and I'm one of them

I'm a lot of things but my mom doesn't notice or knows

The Flashy slut

These are the ones who sleeps or suck off anyone and not care cause it makes them look badass but in all reality its disgusting

Tomboy Slut

I kindof fall under this one. Its a tomboy who plats and teases guys for fun and still is see as one of the guys in the eyes of the boys but not so much for girls

Numb Slut

This I fall under. Its where you do anybody girl or boy just to feel something. Anything. Or just tease them to feel again

I know this was weird but it all is apart of my meaning

Girls at my school calls me a slut just because my genetics are a curse

Its not my fault boys stare and I make friends with boys easier then girls

But I still get called it

Yea I liking teasing guys but it's just harmless fun and they know the limit

So when you call someone a slut make sure you know what your saying cause for all we all know they just

Dont give a fuck

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