" Thank you mom!" I reply. My heart flutter with happiness. I was surrounded by love. My friends came over with hella nice gifts and even for once my sister brought me a small gift.

My sister's name is Jade, like the stone, and to be quite honest, I don't think she's pretty. But then again, she's my sister. She has dirty blonde hair which I think looks like wet sand while she says looks like a cheesecake, and emerald eyes. Her eyes were the reason why mom named her Jade.

" Here. I got you a present." She says as she takes a little red box from her purse and hands it to me. I laugh as I receive the gift. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

" Thanks sis. This is the first time you actually got me something for my birthday." I joked while ripping the wrapping paper around the box. She sends me a glare.

" Just be happy that you actually got a present okay?" my sister replied with a sass in her tone. " It's your 18th birthday so I thought I would get you a little something since 18 is a big year for anyone. By the way, you better get me something for my birthday too."

I sigh. " You're birthday is tomorrow Jade." Let me explain something. Jade and I are twins. Except I was born July 18th at 11:58 while Jade was born 12:13. So technically Jade's birthday was July 19th. So yeah, that's why sometimes my birthday is annoying.

"So? I got you something, and tomorrow is also my 18th birthday so I'm expecting something from you." Jade shot back. " Just hurry up and see what your present is!" I open the box to find a small necklace with a ring pendent.

" Wow. Jade are you proposing to me? I mean you are my sister. I don't think you can do that." I said as I took out the necklace to examine more up close. Jade elbowed me in the side.

" Oh my god! I can't believe you JV! Its just a gift! There's a second one in there for your future mate! I would kill myself instead of marrying you even if you're the last guy on the planet." I give her a look and place the necklace back into the box and stuffed it into my pocket.

" Thanks sis." I say while giving her a nice tight hug.

" Your welcome butthead. Now let go of me! You're seriously going to kill me!" Then everything changed at this moment. I had thought I would go on my peaceful day celebrating my birthday with the whole pack but the Moon Goddess hates me and that's why this day would be a day I would never forget.

You here the screaming of some of the pack members near the hallway. My father rushes in with a pale face. You can see that even he was shaking. He looks over everyone that was in the living room.

" Guys get ready to engage in battle. Rouges and Hunters are coming and have already surrounded the whole pack house! Warriors, make a path for the children to escape! We will defend our name and our families!" My father's voice boomed throughout the room. And then there was chaos.

Battles going on left and right, blood everywhere. Wolves howling in pain and some in triumph. You can see hunters shooting down pack members left and right. There was an endless sea of rouges. There was no escape. Someone had set the pack house into flames. The whole place smelled of smoke and ashes. Your ears can only hear the screaming of children and the crying of mothers.

As I ran I saw the most horrifying thing in the world. A child no less than 5 was being ripped apart by 2 rouges as if playing tug -of-war with his body. His skin in shreds, blood dripping down from every open wound he had and the most scary part was his eyes. The little boy's eyes laid wide open. His blue eyes stared right back at me as if trying to tell me something.

Stole My Heart (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now