I'm Sorry

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Morning came soon as the light came shining into the room's window.  I try to move but all I could was turn my head, Then i could feel a pair of arms tighten around my figure. Looking at the man before me, Barry Allen. I try to  move out of his grasp but it was no use. I then start to try to wake him up.

"Barry, Wake up. Its Morning!" I whispered to him shaking his a little.

"Ag..h....(Y/n)....war..m.." Barry mumbled.

My face flushed as I hear my name come out of his mouth.  I was able to wiggle myself out of his hold. I sat up and smiled at him, 'If only you know what you do too me.' I thought as i saw his sleeping figure.

I got up and got dressed, I looked at the time and saw it was 9:56 a.m. My stomach started to growl as I thought of food. I figure that Barry had no food in the refrigerator so I went out and got some Chinese food. While walking I though of how Barry is the flash, so I thought that since he's fast I'm thinking his stomach system in fast too. 

Once at the restaurant, I ordered 3 boxes of rice, 1 box of egg rolls, and other good stuff. I smiled and payed for thee food and started to make my way towards the apartment Barry was at.

I was about to knock on the door went I heard rustling in the room.

"Barry! Its Me! (Y/n) Open the door!"

He door the door fast and pulled me into the room.

"Where were you? I though you left! Don't do that..."

"Wow! slow down there champ!~ I was just getting food~"

I chuckled and held up the food.

"I was kinda hungry and figured that you had nothing in that fridge." I continued.

"Oh...Sorry for overreacting." Barry said chuckling nervously.

"Anyway Lets start eating~! I'm Staving~"

Barry  pulled out the food and I got the table ready. Not fancy but cleaned it off. I then noticed Barry still had the badges still on.

"hey Barry Lets take off those Badges."

"Ok, Be there in a sec."

I'd say after about a few minutes he met me on the bed.  I looked at his badges and took the scissors from the aid kit and started to cut off the badges.  I could feel the blush rise to my face as I look at him.  Once I finish taking off the badges I stood up from the bed.

"Okay all done, Barry."

"That was fast, So how about we eat now?"

"Yea, lets go eat."

I said agreeing to him. As we ate I saw Barry eating the food every fast. Then I asked...

"Hey when was that last time you've eaten?"

"In the passed few days, why?"

"Oh its just your eating every fast, If you done mind me asking. Why didn't you eat the passed few days?...."

"Oh I don't mind, its just....Iris...."

Once he said that name, my fist balled up under the table. I hoped my face didn't saw any emotion while talking. I Hated That Name. Once that name was brought into my life it all collapsed.

"She dose something to me where I don't remember to eat, I'm always thinking of her..."

" Well i just hope that you'll remember to eat."

I looked at the time and thought that Aiden would what to see me. I turn to Barry when he was done eating.

"Hey we should go soon, Aiden would probable want to see me."

I get up from the table and  realized  that i didn't really eat. I got my shoes on and wanted for Barry to get his costume and hurry. He check-out and we headed towards the door. 

"Get on."

i did as told and he took off, i could tell we were going to the lab. I held on tight and a tear slipped from my eye.  I whipped it off quickly and caught sight of the lab before heading in. I closed my eyes as we were just about to enter the main lab. After a few seconds after not hearing anything I open my eyes.

i could see Barry not moving just as he was about to enter the main lab.  I froze time just before entering. I got off of Barry's back and saw Aiden standing there with red eyes and reading a book.

I walk over to him and pulled to book out of his hands and I hugged him. Tears my eyes I unfroze time and felt too arms wrap around me. I could feel all eyes are on me. I could hear small sobs coming from Aiden and my shoulder got wet with tears.

"I'm Sorry..." 


End Of Chapter

Words: 816

 sorry for not updating this sooner and giving you such a short chapter.

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