We Meet Again

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***Barry's View***

'Damnit that hurt!' I said while getting back up.

I tried running after her but, no use. She was already gone and nowhere in sight. I searched around the area for a little bit. I also looked for foot prints in the ground but didn't find anything.

I quickly started to run towards the lad, to tell what had happen. While I was running I had ran passed a little girl with (H/c). It reminded me of a childhood friend I used to hang out with. The girl I ran passed look around 9 which is around the age she had left without telling me.

I walked into the lad to be asked if I got the USB. Looking down I said no.

"Barry! Did you get the USB?" Caitlin asked.

"No. I'm sorry."

They all sighed and Caitlin's eyes lit up. She started to type stuff into the computer. I asked her what was she doing, she responded by saying,

"All of our information was put with a tracker in it. So if something like this happened we would know were the stolen information is. I just forgot about it till now."

"And...Done!" Caitlin added.

Cisco looked at the computer.

"It says it was taken to the warehouse that is by the shore, the one that was active a few days ago."

Before they could say anything else I ran towards the warehouse and was there under a minute. I walked into the warehouse and searched a little bit.

Noting was here beside a few creates and webs. Cisco said it was active so why did it look abandoned? I glanced around the room one more time.

But only this time I spotted a light coming from a small hole that led to a door. I heard a muffled cry so I put my ear to the door.

"Shut Up, You brat!" I hear a man say.

"S-Stop! You said if I gave you the information you would let of of my brother!!" I heard the girl from earlier.

"Oh did I? I meant you work for me for as long as I need, and your brother stays unharmed."

"Why you little--!"

I hear a electric sound followed by a thud.


I heard a little boys voice yelled. My eyes widen as I heard that name. Anger filled my veins as I break down the door. I rushed in a grabbed to man by then neck and lifted him up.

His eyes glowed blue as I feel a electric wave go into my body. I let him go and started to cough violently.

"Barry! You need to stand up!" I hear Caitlin in my ear.

"I can't, his eyes. They can send a wave of electricity into your body."

"That's not all I can do." I Hear him say.

I looked up at him and saw him grab a taser out of him bag and bit it. As he actives it electricity goes into in body. He grabbed me pulling me up off the ground, I could feel electricity go throw out my veins.

I look at the corner of my eye to see a (H/c) girl trying to get up. The little boy from earlier helping her too. Once she in standing she whispers something into the little boys ear.

I'm guessing it has something to do with hiding cause the boy ran behind a bunch of crates. I try to get out of the mans grasp so pain to leave my body. As I punch him in the stomach he lets go off my as I get a good distance away from him.

I see a flash of (F/c) run at the man at full force. The man had flown into the shelf full of paints and wood. I walk over to him and pull him out of the mess. He was passed out, good. I call in to Caitlin to tell her that we got the meta human. I was about to tell her more until we lost connection.

I see the (H/c) girl who stole our information. She was hugging the little boy from earlier who was now in tears.

"Big sister! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He cried out.

"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything wrong."
Her voice was sweet and soft. Different from what I hear, filled with teasing and mocking.

"Excuse me? Umm...can I hav--" I was cut off by the girl.

She had thrown the USB in my face. I could it before it hit the floor. I look up at her as she seems to look very tired and worn out. I guess the power has taken a toll on her.

"Sorry...I'm so so sorry...I'm so so so sorry Barry..." She started to repeat sorry over and over again.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"Being a mess...." Where the last words I heard from her as she fell to the floor passing out.

I put the man I was holding in a metal barrel and walk over to her. Until her brother stood in front of me, one of his eyes were covered up and he was wearing a hospital gown. I sighed.

"Don't touch my sister!"

"Hey I promise I would not hurt her."

"That's a lie! Your the man my sis talks about hurting her in very way she can think of! She is only doing all of the steeling so she can pay for my medical bill!"

I stopped when I heard this short story he had told. That's what the money was going into? Not drugs, not just to be rich, nothing bad. Just to pay for the brothers medical bill.

"Here how about this we make a deal, I would not hurt your sister no more if you both come with me, if I do hurt your sister or you, you both can leave."

".....Deal! If you ever hurt her I'm gonna hurt you...Ok? Let's go."

'Man his mood changes fast' I thought as I make a call to Cisco for a ride.

"Yo Cisco, I need a ride we have some company coming over."

"Ok be there in a sec."

"You can't,I'm faster then your car!" I said jokingly.

"Ha ha very funny Barry"

In a few minutes a car pulled up and Cisco popped his head out. I picked up the man first and put his in the truck, he doesn't seem to be walking up any time soon. I walked over to pick up the girl and walked back to the car to see the little boy sitting in the front seat.

I sigh and hopped in the back with the woman. The ride was peaceful and quiet. I almost fell asleep until I felt a head fall onto my shoulder. I look over and saw her sleeping peacefully.

(Y/n)? Are you the same one as my childhood friend?


End of Chapter

Words: 1171

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