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Caleb POV
Beatrice wants to go into the weapons lab instead of me, but I have to do this. I want her to forgive me for everything I've done and this is the only way I will ever be forgiven. Risking my life so everyone else gets to keep their memories.
"No Beatrice," I say and break into a run towards the weapons lab. I hear her start shooting at the people chasing us. All I have to do is get through the death serum and I'll be in the weapons lab where I will release the memory serum virus to the people that work for The Beauru of Genetic Welfare. There will be no more damaged or pure. We'll all be the same. We'll all be equal.
I reach the room, quickly put on my clean suit and walk in.
My heart is beating a hundred miles an hour. I hear the death serum start spraying abundantly into the air. I know I'm going to have to fight hard if I'm going to get through this. I breath in and instantly start coughing. I double over on to my knees. I can feel the serum trying to drag me towards the light. To my parents. I start thinking about the only reason to get through this. Beatrice. My sister. The only family I have left. Suddenly my lungs start having excruciating pain and it's getting harder and harder to breath.
Selfishly I start thinking about how great it would feel to just stop fighting the serum and let it take me away from the pain and to my mom and dad.
No, I think, I can't let down Beatrice again. My parents would want me to fight. I have to get to the memory serum virus and set it off. I have to.... Have to.... Suddenly the door into this death trap explodes and with blurry vision, I see my sister run through it just as the serum takes over me...

Tris POV
I run into the room and start coughing. There's still a little death serum in the air, but not enough to take me down. I look over and see Caleb curled up on the floor. I run over to him and check his pulse. Dead. He can't be. This can't possibly be real.
How could I have let this happen? I should have made him give me the backpack. I look down at him and he is no longer the traitor that helped Euridite. He is my selfless brother that was willing to risk his life so we could keep our memeories. Suddenly I have a new found anger against David. He is responsible for the deaths of everyone in my family. If it weren't for him they'd all still be alive.
I grab my gun, kick the door to the weapons lab open, and see David, in his wheelchair, on the other side.
"Hello Tris." he says calmly.
I lose it and run up to him pointing my gun at his head. "You are responsible for the deaths of everyone in my family and a dozen others that lived in Chicago." he doesnt even flinch at my words.
"Oh don't be so naive Tris. You and I both know it's your fault your family's dead. They all died trying to save you, when you should've been the one saving them.You were just to selfish to see that." Tears start to blur my vision, thinking about my family, but I knew it was his fault they are are dead. I wasn't going to let his meaningless response cloud my judgement.
"Its your fault they're dead!!" I scream, putting the gun right against his forhead.
"To ahead, shoot me Tris. I know you could since you practically killed your whole family." I don't hesitate. I just pull the trigger. His eyes go still, locked on mine, but no life in them anymore. I shut his eyes and quickly start looking for the memory serum device, realizing I don't have much time. I remember how Caleb was describing it to Matthew. I spot it and run towards it. I punch in the code and press the green button. Everything will be different now. No more talk about our genetics.
I walk over to Caleb and kneel down beside him. I can't hold it in anymore. I lean on Calebs shoulder and let the warm salty tears roll down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you Caleb." I whisper. For a whole I just sit there beside him in pure, unaltered silence.
All of a sudden I hear pounding footsteps and someone screaming my name.
"Tris! Tris!" It's four. I get up and run to the doorway and there he is. He runs up and envelopes me into a hug. "Tris, when i heard that you went in there instead of Caleb.... I was so worried I was going to lose you." I slowly pull out of his hug.
"Four, Caleb went in there before me. H-He died trying to save our memories." I say tearing up again. He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me and pills me into another hug, which was the best thing he could do.
I hear more footsteps coming this way. Christina comes through the doorway. Four and I break the hug.
"Tris!" Christina screams, embracing me. "I thought I lost you! I thought you were dead!" then Christina sees my brother laying on the ground behind us. She looks at me with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry Tris."
"I have no family left. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. I should've never let Caleb go in there. There was no way he was going to survive that serum." I say with tears in my eyes.
Four puts his hands on my arms and stares into my eyes.
"You still have a family Tris. We are your family." he says gesturing to himself and Christina. "We are here and that's never going to change." he kisses me and I kids back. I Love him more than anything left in this world. We pull apart.
"As for the 'what are we supposed to do part', I think I have an idea. We could go back to the dauntless compound and start a new life there. There's nothing standing in our way. We have all of Chicago ahead of us!" Christina yells and I like the sound of her idea. "Lets leave this place!"
I'm exited leave, but my gaze calls on my brother. We have to take him with us. Four walks up behind me and puts his arms around me.
"We can do this Tris. We can start a new life. We can mend eachother. You and Me. That's what we do. I know We have been through a lot, but if we have each other there is nothing we can't do. We'll get through this Tris." I turn around to face him and for the first time in a while, I smile.
"I Love you." I say.
"I Love you too."

Eventually we do leave after we have gathered my brother. Zeke, Cara, Shauna, Matthew, and Amar come with us to the dauntless compound.
We spread my brothers ashes over annexation because that's where he truely belongs. He died being more selfless than anyone could have been.
We have to start over, but in some ways that's fine. We are free now. We are free to do whatever we want. Chicago is ours.
"Ready Tris?" Four asks me as he is about to let me go on the zip line.
"I'm ready." I say.
"Don't forget to pull the brake at the end."
"I know, Four."
"I know you do." He leans over and smiles at me with that incredibly sweet smile that holds more in it than just squinted eyes and teeth. That familiar smile that I want to and will see everyday. The smile that holds more emotions and memories and promises and regrets than I can count and in that moment I know everything is going to be okay.
He lets me go and I'm flying through the air, feeling the cool air on my face and the breeze through my hair. I feel myself letting go and no longer feel tense or sad or angry.
I feel free.

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