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*A Year Later*

Lucifer's (POV):

It's been a year. I cant imagine the pain she must be going through. Even I left her. This is exactly why she never allowed anybody close to her knowing too well that they will either die or leave one day.

I took an oath to prove her wrong. I dont know what made me fall for her because all those times when I was living with her I was just sharpening the blade ready to kill her once I healed.

I was determined not to get close to her. I tried to stay strong but I knew I was weak. I wasnt ready to accept it. Thats why i did or spoke ruthlessly to her so that she will distance herself from me.

But everytime I did something to hurt her I couldn't stand the way she shattered. My legs dragged me to comfort her against my own will, To hold her in my arms, To make love to her as gentle as possible, To just kiss every part of her body and let her know how much I love each and every single part of her.

Although she knew I was going to kill her as soon as I healed, she never stopped from treating me. She gave me food, Roof to live, Security and She stayed awake sometimes while i dozed off and i knew this because not always was I sleeping.

She never pressured to know what happened in my life. She made me realize that my sister is now finally happy and is in the hands of God safely. Every single time she irritated me I saw nothing but her efforts to make me smile.

She thought getting under my skin was the easier way though. I dont know where she is or if she is even alive. But I will find her. I will search every corner on earth. Fews days later I was anxious and nervous. My grip tightened around the bouquet I brought for her.

I kept pacing back and forth at the door of her house not quiet ready to face her. Then I suddenly saw her standing infront of the door.

She dropped the tray shattering into million pieces as her hands cupped her mouth in shock. The lines I rehearsed to speak died inside my throat, instead I blurted "Mail?".

Smiling sheepishly at her I daringly took steps towards her only to halt seeing her protruding stomach. How can I forget. She might've gotten married.

Now she is bearing the baby of her husband. My heart broke at the sight of it. I slowly started walking backwards and turned around when I heard her call my name for the first time after a whole long year.

"Lucifer, you are going to be a father". Not comprehending what she said I whispered "congrats" and continued walking when realization hit me like a bucket of ice water.

Within minutes I was standing infront of her kissing her greedily and passionately at the same time. After breaking the kiss to catch some air I pulled the hem of her shirt above to expose her belly and placed a kiss on my baby.

I then stood straight saying one thing that I couldn't believe "You Lived".
She smiled and nodded saying "I learned that life is always going to throw bad things even if we deserve it or not. None of us want such bad things happening in life. But it gave us one thing to test our strength. That is choice. No matter what ever horrible things happened life always gave us a choice, To either embrace it or to suffer from it, To accept it or to let it break us, TO LIVE OR TO DIE.." is our choices that moulds us who we are. If we want to suffer we keep sticking in the past not moving on. We let the pain tear us apart. We let the scars control our life. We let the fear kill us inside. It's we who think we are broken beyond repair. But life showed us that we both have to be broken pieces of puzzle so that we can finally fit together in a picture. That picture was nothing but 4 letter words that would turn any negative into positive, That will make us be strong no matter how broken we are, That will make us stand up even with a broken leg. Those four letter words were nothing but LOVE, HOPE, LIVE.



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