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I then linked my arms with his just to get under his skin when we started walking only for him to push me away by my face. So I purposely started skipping ahead of him just to get a reaction when he suddenly pulled me back by my arms and I was flushed against his chest.

"Stop irritating me" he grumbled trying to intimate me. Little did he know I saw worst so i quickly replied "ok" poking his nose and throwing my arms around his shoulders pulling him to my level as I started walking away.

He immediately pushed me away from him saying "stop touching me". Stuffing his hands inside the pocket he started walking ahead of me when I smiled evilly at his back.

I quickly ran and jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I swatted his head screaming "faster you lousy little pig". He dropped me immediately as i butt planted when he screamt "you are such a pain in the arse no wonder you live alone" continuing to walk without turning back.

I sat down in the same position looking down at the pavement swallowing hard. Getting up slowly I started walking back home. On the way I heard footsteps when I was harshly pulled by my wrist.

I halted and turned around looking anywhere but his face. He cupped my cheeks forcing me to look at him . It was the first time we were ever at this close proximity.

I felt his breath fanning my face as my pulse started increasing. "Sorry" he whispered for me to hear as I kept looking at his eyes. I felt himself inching closer to me when I turned away and started walking.

He grabbed my wrist again. I turned around to find him kneeling down so I could jump for a piggy back ride. I smiled and jumped on his back wrapping my arms around his neck when he carried me up and started walking.

I then heard sounds when we started nearing our destination. Standing below the arch I noticed we were infront of a carnival. My face broke into grin when I started jumping up and down clapping hands in glee.

"You told me lunch?" I asked catching up with him standing in line for entrance tickets. He shrugged and replied "well, since there is only few days more before I completly heal I thought you could have some fun before you die". I stopped dead on my tracks when I heard him smacking his head on his own. Biting his tongue he turned around saying "I did it again. Didn't I?". After not hearing any response from me, he sighed swallowing hard trying to apologize again. I know how difficult it is for him to apologize, once let alone twice, so I decided to pull him out of misery as I continued walking patting his back "it's the truth. Anyways I could use some fun can't I?". He shrugged and joined after me as we made our way inside the carnival. After trying out every ride we decided lets just rest sitting on the ferris wheel before we leave the place.

We sat inside the cup of the ferris wheel sighing loudly, when tiredness sank inside our bodies like a nail in the ocean. "It was a fun day" I commented looking at him gratefully for bringing me here.

He returned it with a small smile, going back to look at the view around. My eyes grazed over the beautiful skyline as I could see the city from afar. A beautiful place I'm never blessed to live in.

I inhale the scent of fresh air deeply lying on my back on the seat looking at the bright blue sky. It was a habit with my brother as we lay down on the lawn and figure out shapes from the clouds, A distant memory I never wanna recover from. I might hate him now. But I love who he used to be or who he faked to be.

I sighed in content when peace and serenity clouded my mind looking at the blue sky. "What exactly are we supposed to be looking at?" Asked Lucifer looking at the sky lying on his back when his brows crinkled in confusion.

"Nothing dummy. It just makes me feel peaceful also I'm tired of sitting" I replied winking at him. Maybe life isn't bad after all. Maybe there is hope.

But my hopes got crushed immediately when the ferris wheel jerked to stop leaving us dangling in mid air. My eyes slowly looked at the sea green, before both of our eyes widened in alarm, realization hitting us hard as we screeched on top of our voices.

Didn't expect something romantic did you?. Hope not because who fucking kisses when your life is at threat, given I am going to die soon but not in the middle of the carnival that too because of ferris wheel accident.

I clutched hard on the railing shutting my eyes tightly to not let the panic screw me over. I then slowly breathed to calm my nerves down. The ferris wheel jolted back to life pulling us down the cirlce.

We got down as soon as we got the chance to rushing out of the whole ride like dogs whose tail caught fire. After running as far as possible from the carnival my stomach rumbled clearly annoucing my hunger after all the games.

We then walked inside a nice small restaurant where I ordered arrabbiata pasta and lucifer ordered himself grilled chicken, corn, jalapenos pasta. The Food was heaven when it touched my tongue.

I couldn't stop myself from wiping every last drop from the plate before sighing in content. Just then the waiter placed a chocolate mud pie for me and a tiramisu for Lucifer when I looked at him in confusion. "That was a surprise" he said signaling me to start eating. I immediately took the spoon in my hands and dug into the hot mud pie with it, crumbles spilling outside the plate sticking on my lips. He then moved forward, grazed his thumb over my lower lip wiping the crumbs off.

This act alone made me blush and look down. I continued eating my mud pie when I heard him ask me "so whats your story?". I stiffened upon hearing his question, something I have been dreading not to hear. I simply shrug trying to wave it off but he seemed adament in knowing about me.

He scoffed "you wont have scars without a history behind it" he replied smiling cockily at me for finding out about the scars that I tried to hide. I then remembered that water incident and cursed at myself inside.

I was ticked off by the memory that scars gave me as I answered him through my gritted teeth "none of you business". He scoffed again "you are going to die anyways. So whats the big deal in saying?" He asked rather bluntly reminding me of the brutal truth. I remained silent when he whispered to himself "pretty sure its not worst than me anyways".

"Excuse me?" I questioned now glaring at him for judging me too easily. "Well, you have job, College, you live alone and independant. Pretty sure you are happy. Atleast you didnt see your loved one dead when you entered home like me" he replied calmly, his temper loosing with every word he said.

I banged the table getting up and leaving the restaurant sick of his attitude. He has no right to judge me like a narcissist bastard. I was walking aimlessly and realized atleast he did a good thing by not following me. I was supposed to be used to his ruthless attitude but everytime I cant help but be affected by it. Walking aimlessly I made my way back to the clearing, crossing the cemeteries on the way.

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