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I woke up suddenly when I heard the front door banged open and jumped off my bed to find myself naked.

Lucifer immediately pulled me into his arms as we both looked at the front door which is being banged hard as somebody is trying to break in. I immediately wore one of his t-shirts and panties and he put his boxers and shorts back on and grabbed a pan from the kitchen counter.

I tightened my grip on my knife that I used for my self-defence. The door suddenly broke flying off it's hinges and in stepped 3 men with guns loaded. My eyes widened realising these are the guys who tried to kill Lucifer and now they found us.

I immediately ran into Lucifer's arms hugging him closely when he secured his one arm around my waist while the other held the pan. From the shadows the figures moved further inside revealing their identity when I felt like my heart is been ripped a 100 times again to see who is that intruder.

It was none other than my father with two other men, standing there smiling menacingly at both of us, happy that now he can finally kill both of us which he has been trying to do since long back. "You monster who killed Lucifer's sister and abused me whole life." I lashed out spitting on his face. "Glad we meet again." He said wiping my spit away from his face and caught my hair ripping me from the arms of Lucifer.

I then felt a cold metal on my forehead when I heard my father laugh menacingly at my helplessness. "I made you both meet for my own benefit you fucking bitch." He elbowed me on my ribs hard saying, "thats for behaving irrespectfully towards your father", "you are not my father" I replied back with same venom in my tone.

He kicked hard on my calf muscle as pain shot through me and hit me hard like a brick. "Aah" i screamed loosing my footing and was about to fall when Lucifer caught me again. His eyes were red in fury. As much as I tried to look past his fury I saw nothing but emptiness again.

He became his old-self. Yet his grip on me was as gentle as he held me like holding a fragile baby. I let the tear slip down my eyes knowing either one of is going to die today. It was supposed to happen. I shouldn't have changed my decision. I shouldn't have become weak and love him. Now again because of me I'm loosing somebody.

This is all because of me. Making up my mind I decided if it takes my life to save his I would gladly do because although I knew him just for few days he made me happy. He made me feel beautiful. He accepted me as how I was. He never tried to repair me, he knew I was broken with just one wing. He gave me support although even he was broken.

He placed me on the stool aside and started fighting the men himself. He has to avenge them from his sister's death. He balled his fist throwing punches and dodging bullets swiftly like as if he practiced his whole life.

Thats when I saw my dad picking up the gun ready to shoot him. My eyes widened as I leaped out of my chair. In a swift moment I threw the knife straight through his heart and snatched the gun from his hand shooting both the other men.

Dropping the gun I turned around with my fury still raging inside me to find Lucifer turning around to look at me. I smiled at him but as my eyes lowered I found the gun shot on his chest.

Everything next happened in slow motion in front of me. I was running to his side to catch him before he fell as he held my arm. I started crying, patting his cheek begging him to stay awake when I suddenly heard the sound of sirens.

The police is here. "Go" he said pushing me away with his one arm. I shook my head not ready to leave his side. "I said go. Ill take the blame." He yelled in agony as the sounds of footsteps started nearing.

"Live for me Mio Amore, Please" he whispered crying at the last part before turning his face away. I cried hard still clutching onto his hand.

I heard the sound of my door click so I quickly jumped out of the window falling down safely and started running away stumbling. I didn't stop the tears from falling down my eyes. As I ran away from the place, from the only person who made me think this world is worth living for. This world once again proved that there is no good in the world for the abused ones. Once again i lost hope.

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