The Lie Detector // JiJi

Start from the beginning

Ajumma thought for a little while then her eyes shined, her eyebrows raised as if she remembered something.

"Oh I have the perfect gift" she exclaimed in delight and then looked at the young boy, "Minhyuk-ah bring that red bag thats on the back corner and be very careful with it ok?"

The boy Minhyuk nodded with a smile and walked towards the back of the shop. Jihoon took this time to look at each of the items that were displayed. A certain something suddenly caught his attention but before he could reach for it. Little Minhyuk walked back with some struggle as he held a small red travel back in his hand like carrying a young infant, "here haramuni" he said politely as he placed the bag on the table for his grandmother to open.

While she was busy, Jihoon look back at that circular dome shaped item that had caught his eyes. He held it up and examined the small plastic like item, "what's this?" he questioned.

Minhyuk's attention snapped to the older muffled voice and once realising what he had held up the younger heart bubbled in happiness. "Its a Lie Detector!" he said in delight.

"It helps you to find out whether people are lying to you or not, it had been a little damaged but I fixed it" Minhyuk exclaimed proudly, his chest puffing up in pride, but then suddenly his shoulders slouched down as he saw the amused look in the customers eyes.

"Its true I swear and its so fun to play with but... but when I tried selling it no one would believe me" he said looking at the small item in Jihoon's hand then looking down sadly.

Jihoon's heart dropped, how could have someone said no to this kid?

Jihoon smiled though the younger couldn't see it. He placed a hand on Minhyuk's shoulder making the boy to look up at him. "I believe you" he said with utmost truth. Minhyuk's frown immediately flattened down, a smile growing on his face reaching his eyes. "and I want to buy this" Woozi completed, this brought a gasp from the young boy. Looking at Jihoon with glistening eyes, "Really hyung?" Minhyuk questioned in hope.

Jihoon walked closer to the younger crouching down, he removed his mask, only making it visible for Minhyuk and his grandmother to see his face though he was sure Ajumma wouldn't recognize him but he hoped the younger would.
"Yes im really interested in buying the lie detector"

Another gasp left the young boy's mouth, "y-you're... you're... " he gawked not able to form words. Woozi held his index finger and placed it on Minhyuk's lips, "shh... lets keep this a secret ok? Between you and me" he whispered with a wink earning a fit of giggles from Minhyuk who nodded obediently.

"I can't believe an idol is buying something that I fixed, an IDOL" Minhyuk said with the surge of utter happiness.

Ajumma who waited patiently for the young customer to finish his chitchats with her grandson who was giggling and laughing at times making her smile as well. A precious boy Minhyuk was.

"Wait until I tell everyone in school that I sold my first ever product to an idol" Minhyuk exclaimed with a glint of evilness in his eyes this made Jihoon widened his eyes a little; this kid was so much like him. But then Minhyuk's eyes suddenly lost its shine as he slouched his shoulder. Jihoon frowned, "What's wrong?"

"They won't believe me, my friends, they won't believe me when I say I saw you hyung, they never believe me at what I say" the younger said with a sad sigh. Jihoon looked at Minhyuk for a minute biting his lips as he hated the sad look on the younger's face and desperately wanted to see the boy smile again.

Suddenly an idea struck in Jihoon's mind. He looked at Minhyuk, though he wasn't sure if he would get a positive response but still thought of giving it a try, "hey hyuk-ah do you have a cellphone?" he questioned but as expected the younger shook his head, "no, my friends do. They would always show it off to me trying to make me jealous" the younger said with a huff.
Ok time for plan B.

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