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So we arrive at the police station and they put us in the cell. I feel like a dog being locked up in a cage.

Cop: okay you both have one phone call.

Hope: and the nightmare begins.

Milan: I'm gonna call my bro.

Hope: lucky me and my bro don't even talk.

Milan: about that, you guys need to make up because you guys only have each other.

Hope: I'm not apologizing to that bastard!!

Milan: okay then

Hope: well I guess

Phone Convo:(Mimi and Jamal)

Jamal: Mimi what are you doing in jail??

Milan: okay so me and Hope decided to go to the club because she just got over a terrible breakup and wanted to get her mind off of it. So then as always the police come into taboo and check your IDs so then they noticed our IDs are fake and they arrested us.

Jamal: Damn. Okay I got you I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Milan: okay thanks bro!!

(End of phone convo)

Hope: not it's my turn I'm gonna call Jacob.

Milan: okay go ahead.

Phone convo: (Hope and Jacob)

Jacob: what're you doing in jail??!!

Hope: long story, but can you bail me out??

Jacob: okay I got you.

Hope: Kk thanks!!

(End of phone convo)

After I was finished the officer escorted us back to the cell and we waited till Jamal and Jacob came to pick us up.

Milan: I forgot to tell Jamal that we have to go back to the club to go get my moms car. I'll just tell him when he gets here.

After sitting in this busted up jail cell for about 25 minutes I see the two faces I have been waiting for and feel relieved.

Hope: oh thank god you guys are here.

The officer took the key to our jail cell and then opened the cell and let us out.

Hope: thank you for bailing us out Jamal.

Jamal: yeah what ever cheeseball.

Hope: I still don't like you.

Jamal: I still don't care.

Hope: shut up.

Milan: so hope you coming with us.

Hope: no I'm going to ride with Jacob but I'll see you tomorrow.

Milan: well okay. Bye.

Hope: bye.

After that we both left and she got into Jamal's car and I got into Jacobs car.

Jacob: so where are we off to.

Hope: wait. Before you drive off there is something I need to tell you.

Jacob: what??

Hope: okay so after I went home from your house Chris came by and he tried to rape me.


Hope: Because I didn't want you to worry and react like "this". And I know you'd do something you will later regret. Please do not worry.

Jacob: okay but if I see this nigga on the street I will do something.

Hope: okay but can I go over to your house because I don't feel safe at my house because you know my mom went to Africa with her church, so it's just me in the house.

Jacob: sure.

We got to his house in about 45 minutes I was quiet the whole time. I guess I was trying to except the fact that my ex- boyfriend is a rapist or that He caught HIV and tried to rape me. All these thoughts were just going through my mind and now I'm starting I realize that I have Jacob and I have nothing to worry about.

We finally arrive to his house and I am knocked. We go inside and all the lights are off due to the fact that his parents aren't home either.

We go up to his room and I take off my shoes and my jacket and I lay down on his bed. And Jacob does the same and lies down next to me.

Jacob: are you okay?? Because you were very quiet in the car.

Hope: yeah I'm okay I was just thinking.

Jacob: about what???

Hope: you. Chris. Everything. Did you know Aaliyah has HIV and she had sex with Chris and he tried to rape me.

Jacob: I'm just so glad he didn't get the chance.

Hope: aren't we all.

Jacob I just want to let you know with me your safe.

Hope: I know.

He kissed my forehead and we both went to bed.


Authors note: Aww how cute. Don't you just love them.

I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in a while I haven't had a lot of time on my hands lately and homework is really stressing me out so thank you guys for being so patient.


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