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We arrive at Jacob's house and I quickly get out. We go inside and go up to his room.
Jacob: Hope you know I really like you right?

Hope: yeah I really like you too it's just I was with Chris and I wanted to be faithful but obviously he didn't wanted to be so at this point I'm done.

Jacob: so what does this make us?

Hope: I don't know boyfriend and girlfriend?

Hope: sounds good to me!

After that we both leaned in and gave each other a 10 minute passionate kiss.

Hope: well I got to get going , but I'll see you later.

Jacob: are you sure your gonna be safe getting home by yourself.

Hope: yeah I'll be fine. Bye!

Jacob: bye.

Hope: after that I went home , with the hopes of going to bed.

Authors note:

So how do you like it so far???
Like, Comment all that good stuff (:

Also I know this is a small chapter but i just wanted you guys to know what happened at Jacobs house.
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:

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