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So we pull up at the club in Milan's Maserati. I could see the people outside looking to see who is going to get out through peripheral vision.

Milan: you ready?

Hope: yeah let's go party!

We got out the car and went on line. When we got to the front of the line they checked our IDs and let us in. The club was very nice but apparently these bitches have never heard of deodorant because this club was smellin musty as hell. But I'm not going to let this smell stope me from having fun.

Milan: yo this club smell like jerry!!

Hope: I know right jerry dead be comin to school smellin like bounce datt!!

Milan: I know smellin like his mother don't love him!!

Hope: haha, so you want to go get a drink.

Milan: nope remember that I have to drive you home!!

Hope: your right lets dance!

Milan: I guess.

We start dancing and I just really feel for some Pepsi and Bacardi!

Hope: Milan I'm gonna go get a drink I'll be right back.

Milan: okay.

After that I walk away and see Mimi grinding on some dude, man I loved this chick!

Hope: Umm can I have a Bacardi and Pepsi?

Bartender: sure.

He get me the drink and I try to give him the money but he gave it back.

Bartender: On the house.

Hope: well thank you.

I start to walk away to go dance with Mimi.

Bartender: Miss, miss!!

Hope: yeah

Bartender: I never got your name.

Hope: it's Sarah!

Then I walked away.. Again. Mimi knows how much I hated giving random people my name!!

Milan: what did you get?

Hope: Bacardi and Pepsi!

Milan: Ohh if I didn't have to drive home I would so get wasted!

Hope: well to bad sucka now let's dance!

I start dancing on Mimi when the cops come in they always came in to check people IDs. They checked ours and they put Mimi and I in hand cuffs.

Cop: you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you can not afford one, one will appointed to you.

Me and Mimi were scared as hell oh my gosh how am I going to tell my mom that I got arrested!!


Authors note:

OH MY GOSH!!!!! Mimi and Hope got arrested??

Oh shit

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-Kayla ❤️

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