15) You're Still an Ass

Start from the beginning

   Ash looked at his mom "do I really have to be outside near that gloomy lump".

   Delia shook her head at him "yes you do, and he's not a gloomy lump, he obviously had plans that you interrupted".

   Ash rolled his eyes, heading for the door with Persian "his plans were probably evil". He left to Delia shaking her head more and cleaning the dishes. He went outside to find Giovanni leaning on his car. The rocket boss glanced over and stood straight "get in".

   Ash folded his arms "excuse you".

   Giovanni went to the driver door and opened it "I said get in".

   Ash raised an eyebrow suspiciously "why".

   Giovanni sighed in exasperation "because I'm going somewhere genius and you're not going to let me leave without you".

   Ash frowned at him for a minute, knowing he was right "... fine". He got into the passenger seat and buckled up as Giovanni got in the drivers seat.

   Giovanni pulled out of the drive and took the roads to leave town. Ash stared out the window, grumpy and ignoring Giovanni. Giovanni ignored him and drove. Pikachu and Persian, in the backseat, where starting to talk again, not holding grudges as long as their trainers.

   Giovanni kept driving for a while, heading off main roads and into the woods. He seemed to know where he was going even though Ash doubted the man was out here much. Then Ash seemed to realise he was paying a lot of attention to the Rocket boss and huffed to himself, glaring back out the window. Giovanni noticed the huff but said nothing, feeling slightly guilty for what he was about to do.

   Giovanni eventually stopped the car near a pond, pulling back around to face it the way they had come before parking. He glanced at Ash "we're here" and opened his door.

   Ash huffed again and got out, letting Pikachu and Persian out after him. He heard Giovanni's door close and folded his arms, heading for the pond before the other man could talk to him. Persian and Pikachu went to hunt in the water reeds for something to scare. Ash was so lost in thought and busy ignoring Giovanni that it took him a few seconds to recognize the sound of a car crunching over gravel. He turned to look behind him.

   Giovanni was driving away.

   Ash stared at the retreating car for a moment, mouth hanging open, before his senses caught up. He yelled and raced after the car, stumbling over rocks and roots and not catching up. He stopped after almost falling on his face, yelling after the car instead " come back right now asshole ...GIOVANNI I SWEAR TO ALL YOU HOLD DEAR YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS BACK RIGHT NOW... OH MY GOD YOU FUCK FACE, I HATE YOU".

   Predictably the car didn't stop, it didn't even slow down. Ash was breathing heavy, his time spent sitting on his ass in a cell hadn't helped his muscles stay as springy as they used to be. He glared after the car as it disappeared before storming back to the pond. Pikachu and Persian sat beside a blanket and a picnic basket that Ash hadn't noticed in his rush to get to the car.

   Ash stopped and glared at Persian "you knew".

   Persian's ears dropped back against his head, tail tip twitching as he looked away. Pikachu seemed to start berating him.

   Ash was fed up with Giovanni and his little tricks and his little minions and pokemon. He snatched the blanket and basket from between the pokemon and stomped off to sit by the pond. He tore open the basket and found foil wrapped burgers and a ketchup bottle, a small baggie of sausages looked like it was for Persian.

   Ash scowled as he peeked under the cloth all the food was on and found the next book in the series he was reading. He closed the basket and pushed it away, determined not to need anything Giovanni provided.

Capturing the Heart [a pokemon fanfiction] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now