5) A Victory of a Different Kind

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"All right, they should be gone now" Ash said securing his hat on his head with a twist that turned it backwards. Pikachu grinned up at him from the ground, readying himself for the close range attack, Ash pointed at the door and said calmly "iron tail". Pikachu shot forward tail already glowing as he twisted so his tail hit the door handle. It busted under the sudden, strong force.

Ash admired Pikachu's handiwork. The door handle was bent and broken with a few singe marks here and there. He looked at Pikachu with a nod "impressive you're improving, let's go". They ran off down the hall not pausing to think of where to go. However luck was not with them.

Ash, as we all know, wasn't the brightest person to ever exist and neither him nor Pikachu had thought things through very well. If they had thought of the kind of organization Team Rocket was exactly they would have easily thought of security cameras and bugs. Like the security cameras and bugs that were hidden throughout the room Ash had been kept in. Also like the security cameras that frequently dotted the walls.


Giovanni smirked looking at the computer screen at the fleeing trainer and pokemon. He pointed at the aid grunt and motioned him over "send my message to Archer, full lockdown of the containment area floors negative three through one, I want all personal out of there and no one but me is allowed in, go".

The aid jogged off and Giovanni turned back to the screen. He heard a sound at the door and glanced over, letting a smile flicker over his face he placed his gaze back to the live feed as Persian trotted over and sat by his trainers side. Giovanni swiveled his chair slightly and let his hand rest on Persians head scratching it lightly "this might just get interesting Per, so let's make sure it does".

Back to Ash

Three hours.

It had been three hours since they escaped the damn room and they had been over the same five flours so many times that they could have actually drawn a map.

Ash sighed and looked at Pikachu "we might as well do something interesting". Pikachu nodded and motioned reading a book "you want to go back to the library we found"? Pikachu nodded "alright, hopefully they have an adventure section".

A few minutes later following the map in their heads they opened the library door and walked in. It was a medium sized room with floor to ceiling book shelves and tables scattered here and there along with various types of comfortable chairs. Pikachu ran over to a bean bag chair and jumped on it creating a dent that hid most of his body leaving only his nose, ears, and tail sticking out. Ash walked around the book shelves looking over their content finally he ended up near Pikachu running his finger over the spines. He picked out a random book and started flipping through it.

"This is a really boring library, there are absolutely no fiction books and most of the rest are really scientific and I can't understand them" Ash whined to Pikachu who simply mumbled a sleepy reply that Ash ignored. "I don't think we're going to see the other again either, at least not for a while" He continued "actually we may never see them again" he finished in a low mumble.

"What gives you that idea" came the unexpected reply.

Ash dropped the book and whipped around screaming and raising a leg to either protect himself or kick out and raising his arms to his cheeks. Pikachu struggled out from the folds of the bean bag chair and jumped to Ash's side glaring at the new comer.

Giovanni's smirk widened and he chuckled slightly at Ash's reaction, his Persian fixed it's eyes on the mouse pokemon. "Calm down Ash it's like you thought I was a ghost" he said casually walking closer.

Capturing the Heart [a pokemon fanfiction] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now