Chapter 7

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Allouette's P.O.V

We had spent all of Sunday shopping for school supplies and uniform and now I was staring back at myself in a mirror. To be honest I looked like one of those girly anime characters.(Found out about anime yesterday. There is so much I dont know.) The clothes were way to itchy and unconfortable.

"Ready" Dr Cerva called from downtairs.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

First time skip of the book (I think. )

I stared, eyes wide and mouth open. This school was huge. And the weird thing is it only had like 300 students. I wonder if it's because people just radomly get powers actually maybe that's only just me.

When in the forest I had developed night vision, invisibility (not the kind that can't turn off ) and I can breath at very low levels of oxygen (not pass out when I fly really really high.)

"Good luck Lou" Dr Cerva whispered squeezing my arm

"Thanks Dr Cer-"

"Please, just call me Wendy."

I just realised that my chapters are really short maybe I'll make the next one longer if you guys...




(Not saying share because I don't really want my story all over social media)

Like that could ever happen anyway

It could




K  Byeee !!! *she says and turns to other speaker*

Be quiet

It still could never happen


Alouette Aves-The girl with who could flyWhere stories live. Discover now