Chapter 2

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Alouette's P.O.V


After daily testing I was shoved back into my dog crate deep this time they forgot to lock it. A spark of hope had rekindled inside. I was aching all over and couldn't stay here anymore. I had been planning this moment from the day it was physically possible. I would escape. The guard standing outside the door had left. It was now or never. I ran out of the room, breaking down the door and triggering the alarm. Oops. In the courtyard I was nearing the tall barbed wire fence that separated me and the rest of the world for my whole life, and could hear the hum of it's electricity. Three armed men were advanced so I did the unthinkable, something that I had been created to do yet was forbidden to do for all of my life. Something that I had always dreamt of doing. I flew. It felt so natural.I didn't even look back. Finally I was free.

Flashback over

And now I was back. Where? At the horrible army base that I grew up in.  With the heartless scientists that gave me wings and tested on me like I was their personal lab rat. I was too smart, I had escaped and no doubt that they took me in again to put me to sleep.

Alouette Aves-The girl with who could flyWhere stories live. Discover now