Family Huh?

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Yay!!! I'm not so tired, but I'm kinda embarrassed but whatever!! Let's get this Romantic show on the road!!!


I sat completely frozen staring at the only person that I can trust except for Gon and the others. My heart started beating faster and my breath quickened. My eyes stayed wide, I didn't blink. I slowly stood up and stumbled over to Uvo before giving him a heart-felt hug. I held on for a minute or two, he stayed still and didn't return the hug. He was probably shocked, this is the first time I have ever hugged him. I pulled away and looked at him, he was crying.
"E-EH?! Why are you crying Uvo?!" I yelled confused and worried. He shook his head as his tears came out like waterfalls. I watched shocked and kinda unsure.
"N-Nithing! I was j-just shocked that y-you finally hugged m-me!"

"Nithing?" I shook my head "Actually! Never mind, I don't care!" I walked around and peeked around the corner. I saw Feitan and Phinks fighting, I grinned at them and skipped over. I smirked at them as they noticed me, Phinks jumped and hugged me while Feitan just watched with a tiny smile. I looked at Feitan and smiled.
"You still torturing people Curtain?" He cringed at my nickname and nodded. I giggled at this and saw something pinkish red in the corner of my eye. I looked and started shaking in fear.

Mr. Demented Mcclown

Phinks saw me shaking and looked to where I was staring. His eyebrows furrowed at this and he saw fear evident in my eyes.
"So I'm guessing you met??" Chrollo asked with a slightly curious look covering his usual stoic one. I glared at him while clutching my hands.
"It's nothing to you, I'm going!" I got out of Phinks hold and walked towards the exit. Chrollo grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me back but I slapped his hand away with so much force that if he was a normal person his hand would've shattered. I took one glare at Chrollo and continued my walk. Then I heard Chrollo yell a command to Feitan.
"Lock her up!! If she won't do a mission than she isn't going anywhere." I looked back with a 'really?' kind of face. I glared at Feitan and mouthed, 'do it. I dare you.' He hesitated but started walking towards me, I quickly dashed towards the exit. But of course he won, I growled at him and tried punching but he grabbed my hand and did a flat punch right at my heart. My breath literally got knocked out of me and I couldn't breath, I almost passed out but I desperately stayed awake. I fell on my knees trying to blink the black spots out of my eyes. I panted heavily trying to restore the air that was violently pushed out. I started freaking out, I jumped up and kicked Feitan in the chest. He was pushed back by like a couple feet. I took this chance to run but I was grabbed by my collar and slammed back to the wall. I was about to punch him but Pakunoda and Shalnark pinned my arms out. My feet were hanging and I was being strangled. I stared at them all in pure hatred. I tried to breath but Feitan looked like he was trying to kill me instead of trying to get me to pass out. Tears escaping I looked straight into Feitan's eyes.
"T-Traitor!! I-I trusted you!! U-Uvo!! Help me!!" I screamed as I saw Uvo stand there with a guilty look on his face. I squirmed and kicked, my eyes were squinting as I tried to go asleep. My eyes widened as Uvo did nothing to help me. I cried tears of frustration.
"I-I th-thought O-Ohana means f-family!!" I gasped out. I saw Uvo turn around and walk off as his shoulders shook. I screamed and cursed and kicked, but it was all futile. Then my eyes widens in frustration as I was on the brink of exhaustion.
"G-GON!! H-H-HELP ME!!!"

Then the darkness took over...


My eyes fluttered open and my eyes darted around. I couldn't see anything, I quickly closed my eyes and let my En flow free. I concentrated but my En couldn't pass through the walls of this room. I cursed under my breath and was about to get up until I noticed something holding me back.


I groaned and snapped them easily. I stood up and walked to one side of the room, I pressed my hand to one side. I curled my hands and pulled it back before slamming it into the wall. I yelped as I felt my knuckles broke, I cried and bit my lip until I tasted blood. That's my solution.

To get over pain just make more pain..(XD it really is)

I walked back to where I was chained up and let fire erupt from my opposite finger than my injured hand. I ignored the pain and looked ahead, I leaned on the wall and curled up before falling asleep again.


I woke up to someone yelling outside the door.
"(Y/n)!!" My eyes snapped open from their groggily state. I stood up and slammed on the door.
"Gon? GON! I'm in here!" I said while pounding in the door. I heard footsteps run up to my door. I cried tears of joy when the door opened up and Gon was standing there panting lightly and sweating. I jumped on him, I longed to see him again. I kissed him sweetly and cried, my tears going on him and dripping off both our chins. I pulled away and looked around trying to sense for any phantom troupe members.
"W-Where are the spider legs and da butt?"


"Never mind!! Let's go!" He grabbed my injured hand and pulled. I winced but acted like nothing happened when Gon looked back in concern. I looked ahead and saw Killua and Kurapika and the old man standing there with worried faces. I smiled in happiness.

Ohana means family...

I'm not done yet!! I'm still gonna be updating!!

~author-chan out!!

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