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O my god.... I'm so tired, I had two of my friends that are boys make me laugh all day and then I had two other boys stare at me all day....... ANYWAYS!!! I'm super tired and this might be short but I'll try to make it long... I hope that you guys don't have a problem with what type of music I put on....Plz Enjoy!!


The airship is landing at a hotel that is supposedly supposed ( 0.0 ) to be the fifth phase of the Hunter Exam. Me and Gon's hands were intertwined as we skipped off, Gon's face showed pure joy. I giggled at the sight, I can't believe that he is all mine!!
I noticed that Kurapika was glaring at us, his eyes shifted to our hands than straight to my face, our eyes locking. I hardened my face and sent a glare right back at him. I didn't have time for his attitude, Gon made sure that all my time was spent with him. I continued walking pulling Gon with me, I glanced to my right and saw Killua smirking at us and the old man showing that he was proud. What?! Are you my dad all of a sudden!? I blushed a deep red and looked forward. We kept wailing until the old man stopped us and talked about how he has an idea for what to do for the 5 phase. I looked around as he talked and my eyes kept drifting to Gon's face and like before I kept blushing and looking away. The old man finally caught my attention when he pulled a tarp off a board.
I looked closely and gasped.

I'm fighting Hisoka... And Gon is fight Ninja Bald Dude...

I looked at Hisoka, he had a pleased look on his face. I grew irritated, Hisoka is like that random person that you talk to when a lot of adrenaline is coursing through your body. I looked back at Gon to see a horrified look on his face, he started fidgeting and glancing at me with a worried look before glaring at Hisoka. My heart melted, Gon really cared about me. When the old man led us to a room which I was guessing was supposed to be an arena, I tensed up. Before I would exaggerate that I was stronger than Hisoka, but now I'm not really sure. We all lined up, my fight was second. It was after Gon's and Ninja dude, Gon was about to walk up but I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward me. I gave him a sweet kiss, I heard 'aww's ring around the place. I pulled away.
"Good luck Gon, I just know you'll pull through!!" I giggled as he blushed, we shared a hug and I let him go. I heard Kurapika 'tch', I looked at him a mouthed 'jealous?'. He glared at me and turned to watch the fight, I turned giggling and saw Gon get hit on the back of the neck. Rage coursed through my body, I started shaking but I kept murmuring 'he'll pull through'. I tried calming down, it worked for a minute but The bald bastard (excuse my language) hit him again. I gritted my teeth and watched, my hand curling into a fist as the fight continued.


It has been 3 hours and Gon is still being beat up, his blood was all over the floor. I fell on my knees and frustrated tears rolled down my cheek, I growled and imagined all the way that I could kill baldie. I felt everyone look at me in pity, even Kurapika. I ignored everyone, I saw baldie get on Gon's back and threaten that he would break his arm. I cried out in anger and jumped up about to charge at them.
"NO!! (Y/n), stay out of this.." Gon muttered in pain. I turned around and cried before violently punching the wall, blowing a hole through it. I heard some people gasp, I sobbed and fell on my knees. I heard a loud snap ring throughout the place and following Gon's scream of pure agony. I screamed and started crying even harder. I then heard Gon's grunts, I shook in anger and pain. I ignored everything afterword as I tried to calm the beast within me. I shook as I tried to keep my anger in, I didn't want to hurt anyone else besides baldie and I feel like if I let my anger run free, he wouldn't be the only one getting hurt. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, I tensed at the contact and looked at The old man as he pointed at the arena. I quickly turned around and saw Gon passed out, I gasped and ran to him. I kneeled as my hand gently caressed his cheek, my tears dripped into his unconscious face. I growled and looked at baldie, I was about to lunge at him but several people blocked me. I stopped, I had almost killed 3 people with one swing. I turned around and shuffled back to Gon.
"Gon.... You did grea-" My voice cracked. I stood up as they were taking him away, I felt Hisoka walk to the other side of the arena. I heard the Pervy old man say that my match has started. I quickly turned and dashed at Hisoka, I swung my arm and he quickly dodged to the side. I slowly turned and let all my bloodlust run free, all I wanted to do was fight and win. I ran at my fastest speed and tapped my toes on the ground, having a blade slide out of my shoe. I did a round house kick and nipped his cheek, I swung again but he stopped my momentum and stabbed my side. He made sure that his nails went through my skin. I jumped away and applied my Nen, I was so mad I forgot about using it. I panted as I ignored the searing, tearing feeling on my side. I used Nen on my feet, making sure it gave some spring to my feet. I pounced forward and threw a couple punches, he dodged all them except for the last one. It pushed him back, knocking him off his feet.  I ran forward and snapped my blade off my shoe, cutting myself in the process and stabbed his hand to the floor. His eyes widened and he elbowed my face, sending me flying. I gained my posture as soon as I touched the floor and Hisoka came out of nowhere and knocked my feet out from underneath me. I fell back and he caught me, but...

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